In The Rain

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Warnings: Fluff

Relationship: Scar/Grian

Summary: Rain + Grian + Grian's crush = Love the gremlin 


It was raining on this fine day of Hermitcraft, Grian was relaxing on his mansion roof feeling the warm rain hit his face.

The rain was calming, his mind quickly wandered off and went into dream land.

There he sat, his head on Scar's thigh in the rain. The small hermit yawned and fluttered his eyes open and looked at him and smiled.

"Hey Grian." He spoke, "Grian." 


Grian woke with a gasp. 

"Oh, hey Scar."

"What're you doing out here?" Scar asked with a chuckle, kneeling down, "I get that it's warm rain, but why?" 

"I uh... I totally wasn't dreaming about you, that's for sure." Grian said nervously, "Its just a nice night, y'know?" 

"Grian, it's mid day, also I know that nervous chuckle."  

He sat next to Grian and put his head on his thigh and leaned against one if the pillars. 

"I know that you did."

Grian chuckled and looked away from him. Scar chuckled back and turned his head back towards him.

"You don't lie well, y'know that?"

"Heh, yeah, well..." Grian started, but couldn't find an excuse, "Never mind, I can't find an excuse."

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

Scar laughed as he laid his hand against Grian's chest. Grian smiled as he got more comfortable. His sweater moving roughly against his neck still, even though it was drenched from being out here all day.

What they didn't know was that there were two hermits spying on them.

"You owe me diamonds, Mumbo."

"Not a chance, Iskall."

"Take a picture and send it to the group chat."

"You're an idiot."

"Just do it!"

Mumbo glared at Iskall, but did he did regardless.


Mumbo: Sent a photo

Scar had fallen asleep with Grian and hadn't known that they've been watched.

Xisuma: I KNEW IT.

Zeddy: Tango owes me twenty diamonds!

Tango: That can't be real.

Mumbo: Iskall and I are literally looking at them.

Iskall: Scar and Grian sitting in a tree.

Mumbo: They aren't in a tree, they're on a mansion.


Mumbo: You're impossible to work with.

Scar: If you two are going to spy on me and Grian, you need to hide better.

Scar: Besides, if you want something to see, I'll give you something to see.

Scar pulled Grian to a sitting position.

"Scar, what-" Grian's sentence was cut off when Scar kissed him. 

Mumbo: I-

Mumbo: I hate you.


Iskall: K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Xisuma: What are they doing?

Iskall: sent a photo

Xisuma: HA!

When Scar let Grian go, Grian only repeated the action he did to him.

A match made in heaven.

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