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Warnings: Blood, Car Accidents, Hit and Run, Concussion, Hospitals

Relationship: Grian/Ren

Summary: Grian and Ren get caught in a car accident, Grian gets put in the hospital.


Grian was driving Ren through the main hub, primarily because Xisuma sent them out to get some supplies. Avicii's "Hey Brother" was playing on the radio.

Grian's left arm was on top of the wheel, his four bracelets dangling. One being his Minecon bracelet, another being a beaded bracelet, one a single band that was laced, the last being a black laced band with a Yin-Yang charm hanging at the bottom. Grian drove a bright, vibrant blue Sedan.

"Why does Xisuma always send us out?" Ren asked, "It's like every day we're back in the main hub gathering Witch materials."

"Ha, Suma's not a witch, he's an idiot." Grian chuckled, "But between you and me, he's a witch."

Ren stifled a laugh, "I knew I wasn't the only one."

"Hey, he has a giant brewery! He's asking to be called a witch."

When Grian started moving from a red light, he heard a long loud honk and he didn't look over, or move, in time to dodge it. A shout came from him, hearing the windows shattering. His head laid limp against his shoulder for a moment.

"Oh... Ouch..." Ren groaned, he looked to Grian and lightly shook him, "Grian, you okay?"

Grian scrunched his eyebrows with a wince in his face, "Ow..." He blinked at Ren after bringing his hand to his face seeing blood on his fingers, "Out."


"Out." Grian repeated, almost glaring at him, he grabbed a knife he had in the side compartment and cut off his seat belt. He tried moving his left arm and almost screamed, "That's painful."

The glass of his window had been completely broken, so he fought through the pain, and pulled himself out of the vehicle, falling onto his back. He knew Ren ran up to him and put a hand on his chest trying to get his attention.

"G, paramedics are here."

Grian's vision was blurry as he chuckled, moving his head away from Ren, closing his eyes.

"Hey, don't fall asleep kid. Get a tourniquet. There's a glass shard in his arm."

The voices faded to mumbles and he was being lifted.

He felt a hand againt his at one point and he opened his eyes.

"He's awake!"

Grian felt a hand on his chin then a light being shined in his eyes.

"Pupils are dilated." One of the paramedics said, "How're you feeling kid?"

"Not.. Not much of anything right now.."

"Good that means the anesthesia's worked."

Grian's head fell limp, the paramedic started speaking again, "Hey, don't fall asleep. Kid, what's your name?"

"Grian." He mumbled, regardless of the request, Grian fell back to sleep.

~Four Hours Later~

Grian woke up in a recovery room, his body felt like a rock. A nurse was taking his vitals, "Hey." He said, getting her attention.

"Hello, Grian." The nurse said kindly, "How're you feeling?"

"Like thirty shards of glass got taken out of my face."

"Well, you were losing a lot of blood because you had a glass shard going through your left forearm. We had to put you under surgery to fix that." The nurse looked at his eyes, "You're eyes are still a bit dilated. You have a severe concussion which is why your room lights are dimmed."

Grian only had one thing on his mind, "I don't care about that. Where's Ren? Where's my boyfriend?"

"He'll be here in a second, he's currently on crutches because his leg was injured. Would you like me to call your emergency contact?"

"You mean you didn't already?"

"You have five of them. Two of which are convicted of felonies."

"The one that says, 'admin' is usually a start. Just call X-Eye-Suma-Void."

"Right away."

Grian rested his head against the pillow right before he heard the telltale clacking of crutches. He turned his head towards it, seeing Ren hobbling in.

"You look like you're about to fall." Grian taunted, "What happened to you?"

"Torn ligament in my knee." Ren explained, sitting in the chair beside his bed, "You look like you've been resurrected."

"Ah, our witty banter. Certainly missed it. I'm gonna be fine, the nurse is currently calling Suma."

"They didn't do that before?"

"That's what I said!"

A moment later, the nurse walked in and informed them that their admin was on his way.

"What do you think Xisuma's gonna do when he finds out we were in a car crash?" Grian asked, a chuckle prominent in his voice.

"He'll probably murder us."

"More like me."


"My insurance is gonna kill me."

"Your insurance can deal with it and know that the other driver was drunk and it was his fault we were in a hit and run accident."

The two were having a casual conversation when Xisuma walked in.

"Are you two idiots okay?" He asked immediately, "I swear, can't send you anywhere."

"Hey! We were hit by a drunk driver thank you very much." Grian snapped, "Also great greeting, makes me feel happy."

"Listen here you smart ass, I don't need your snarkiness. I need to know if you're okay."

"Suma, I'm fine. We both are." Grian said with a laugh, "All I need are my discharge papers and you can portal us home."

"You are an idiot if you think I'm portalling you home." Xisuma said, "You're in no shape for portal travel." He looked to Ren, "Neither are you."

Grian's chest hurt as he sat up, "I think I took a glass shard to my chest."

"That's because you did." Ren said, standing up and moving Grian's hospital shirt, "You have stitches going five inches down your chest."

"I'll live."

Another hour later, Grian was discharged, he also was on crutches to reduce strain on his leg and stomach. Xisuma rented the two an apartment so that they could recover a bit before he were to portal them home.

"Do you think he's mad?"

Grian paused, then smiled, "Nah."

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