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Warnings: Roofied drinks, implied r*pe, alcohol, hospitals

Relationship: none intended

Summary: Sam Roofies Grian's drink while he's not looking when they're out with Sam's friends.

Roofie: it is called the date r*pe drug. It can lead the victim unconscious or feeling extremely drunk and they can't move and are conscious. A couple hermits come to his rescue and take him to a hospital.

PN: FOR LEGAL REASONS I do not condone Roifie-ing a person's drink. I do not support r*pe, and keep in mind I am not a family friendly writer.


It was Grian's last day with the YHS people, and unfortunately that includes Sam.

Grian, Sam, and three of Sam's other friends were at a Main Hub bar. Grian knew it was a bad idea but he was scared to turn down the demand. He meets up with the hermits tomorrow. And he knew Sam and his ways.

Though as they were drinking... Well, Sam was drinking, Grian was still completely sober, he was only drinking water.

If he was being honest, he was rather frightened to drink alcohol. He didn't know how he'd react, and with his negative feeling for Sam, he wouldn't want to test it.

Grian's back was turned for three seconds when he heard a noise to his left and Sam Roofied his drink.

Grian yawned, then took a drink of the water and immediately felt weaker. His head grew heavy as it hit the table.

Though his vision was blurry, he knew that it was Sam and his friends carrying him somewhere.

"He's cute, isn't he boys?"

He felt things being ripped off of him, but he couldn't move to stop it. He couldn't stop them from doing what they were doing.


Xisuma, Ren, and Doc were all walking up to the bar when Ten stopped the group.

"Guys, in the window." He said, "Isn't that the new guy?"

Xisuma took a look, "Y-Yeah. But something isn't right."

Then Doc spoke, "He's been Roofied, I know that drugged look anywhere."

Xisuma pulled out his sword and the other two followed the motion as they ran into the bar.

"HEY! LET HIM GO!" X shouted threatening the one that was on top of Grian, "He isn't a toy. Leave him alone."

"Ugh, what are you? Police?" Sam scoffed, "Besides, we aren't finished with him yet."

"I don't care, get off him."

By this time, Doc had already signaled for Main Hub PD for help. So they were already on their way.

Xisuma gripped his sword tighter and swung at the person who started reaching for Grian again.

"Ren, cover him. Doc, help me keep these three in the corner.

The two did as asked and they held all three of Grian's assailants in the corner until the police arrived and took care of them.

They took Grian to the main hospital and the three hermits followed.


Roughly three hours later, Grian woke up, slightly dazed and in a hospital room. He noticed someone walk up to the side of his bed and he focused his vision a little more.

"Hello, Grian." The person said, "How're you feeling?"

"A-Alive?" His answer turned more of a question as his senses slowly came back to him, "Where am I?"

"Main Hub hospital. You were drugged and raped by your... Whatever they were."

"Ex and his friends." He mumbled then looked more at the person, "Xisuma?"

"Yeah kid. It's me. Ren, Doc and I all saw what was happening to you and we intervened and had cops and medical take you here."

"Wait... I was roofied?"

"Yeah. You should rest more. I think it's still making it's way out of your system."

Grian let out a huff and turned his head away and went back to sleep.

Maybe he would be better off wesith the hermits.

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