When Future Meets Past

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Warnings: Blood, injury, kidnapping... The usual.

Relationship: None.


~Ten years in the future~

After being taken by the Watchers ten years ago from Hermitcraft, every world became a desolate mess.

Grian sat at a bar table, quietly drinking what he was having. Over the time he'd been out his mind became focused on one thing, the will of the fight and survival.

He wore his blades over his back. The thing most known about him was the mark on his left shoulder, and eye with the lettering 'HC' in the middle of the pupil. He wore a no sleeve vest and black tank top. His combat boots were stocked with daggers.

"Are you Xelqua?"

"Who's asking?" Grian asked, the person who asked the question of who he was sat beside him.

"I need a job done."

Grian looked to the man in question, "Name it."

"I know you drive a hard bargain, kid. But I am aware that you're able to get the job done easily."

"What's your job? We don't exactly live in a normal world anymore traveler. This is apocalypse times."

"The name's Xisuma. Not 'traveler'. I'm missing three hermits from our most recent fight. I need your help getting them back."

Grian's eyes widened at the name, then he turned to him.

"X... It's been a while. Ten years to be exact, now you're calling upon my help? You didn't bother trying to find me when I was still with you."

"Grian.. I can't believe that's actually you. I didn't know you were Xelqua." Xisuma said, "We thought you were dead. We never stopped looking."

"You said three of your hermits are missing?"

"Yeah, Scar, Mumbo, and Iskall."

"I'll do your job for free. Come."

Grian led Xisuma out to his own place where he was keeping the majority of his tools.

"Do you know where they took them?"

"How are you for sure it's a Watcher who took them?"

"Xisuma, Watchers rule society now. You of all should know that. Worlds aren't what they used to be. There are no more mobs. It's only Watchers and death."

"Grian... Can.. Can I ask where you got the scar across your eye? It seems to have permanently altered your eye colour."

"The scar on my left eye I got when I first escaped the destruction of the Watchers."

"Okay.. Uh, anyways.."

"When'd you lose the helmet?" Grian asked grabbing the exact same helm Xisuma used to have, "What happened to you?"

"When Hermitcraft fell, that's when I left the helmet behind. No use in hiding anymore."

Grian hummed after he tossed the head gear at Xisuma then kneeled back to the cabinet grabbing lock picks, extra blades, and other explosive supplies.

"Which leads me back to my first question, Xisumavoid. Where do you think the three are?"

"Probably in the main hall of the Watchers."

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