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Grian and Mumbo, two of the hermits who are some of the more different hermits.

Grian had white wings on his back from day one of life, he's always been treated differently for them. His parents gave him up because they couldn't handle the constant attention that Grian needed, plus they couldn't figure out why he had wings and they didn't want a 'freak' as a son.

Mumbo was just parentless and was a technician in redstone.

However, Mumbo and Grian were both in the same orphanage after Mumbo being transferred. When Mumbo arrived the first thing he noticed was the small being in the corner. 

He looked at the administrator and asked, "Who's that?" Ponting to Grian.

"That's Grian. He's shy." The administrator said and left him in the room.

Mumbo wanted to observe Grian for a little and acknowledge the way he would react to human interaction. But he wanted to be his friend. He walked up to Grian with a smile.

"Hi." Mumbo greeted, Grian looked up at him and waved. "My names' Mumbo.. What's yours?"

"G.. Grian.." Grian replied cautiously.

"It's nice to meet you." Mumbo being observant, he left Grian alone after that because he started to tremble.

Within the next week, he noted small things about Grian, mostly his wings, but Grian.

He noted that he had scars all across his arms, legs, and torso. Bruises were prominent against his neck. His wings looking uncomfortable with the feathers all out of place, Mumbo figured that Grian was unsure how to take care of his wings.

Other kids in the orphanage avoided Mumbo because he was so enthused about Grian. He also noted that the other kids would make fun of his perplexation. One of the better things he noticed was that he could build.

One time at lunch, he was watching Grian eat alone and walked over to him and sat in near him. He took a couple glances at Grian and he finally sighed.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Grian finally asked, "I'm not that interesting."

Mumbo was shocked at the sudden speaking, "Actually, you're very interesting." He replied sitting closer until he was in front of him, "Your wings are beautiful, and quite frankly... I just want to be your friend."

"You've been observing me haven't you?" Grian asked cautiously, "What's your deal mustache man?"

Mumbo sighed, "Okay, not even going to lie. Yes, I have. But not for the reasons you're thinking." He pulled out his notebook and turned to the pages related to Grian, "I've been taking notes, and being observant but only because I want to be your friend. Also wanting to get you out of here. You get no attention and no help for anything."

"I..." Grian was curious but scared, happy but confused. "Wait what do you mean get me out of here?"

"My good buddy Xisumavoid sent me over basically undercover because we're searching for a new member to join our crew." Mumbo said, "But, I want to make sure that you're okay with it first."

"I mean... I don't think I'd be able to.. react well amongst your friends.." Grian said shyly.

"What do you mean?"

"A lot of bad things happened to me... I've been mentally, physically, and.. um.. s-sexually abused..."

"Is that why you don't take care of your wings?"

"N-no.. I don't take care of them because I don't have anyone to help me take care of them. Last time I had someone 'help' me, they ripped out three feathers on each wing."

"Allow me to help you." Mumbo said, "If you're okay with it."

"I..." Grian said, "I want to trust you.. I do, I just don't know how."

Mumbo cocked an eyebrow before pulling out his phone and opening his text chats with Xisuma.

"Watch." Mumbo said, Grian looked at the phone.

Mumbo: I found someone sent 3:47 pm

Xisumavoid: Name, speacialties? sent 3:47 pm

Mumbo: Grian, he's got beautiful wings, he's an excellent builder, he's just a little shy. sent 3:49 pm

Xisumavoid: Perfect, got a pic? sent 3:49

Mumbo looked up at Grian who only nodded, he took the picture and sent it to X.

Mumbo: sent a photo sent 3:50 pm

Xisumavoid: omg those wings are amazing, help him out, I'll talk to the guys at the place and get you two out of there and transport the two of you here. sent 3:51 pm

Mumbo: Limos? sent 3:51 pm

Xisumavoid: Limos. sent 3:51 pm

"Not terrible." Mumbo said, "We'll get you out of here. And that's a promise."

"But what if-"

"Don't worry about the what if's, Grian." Mumbo said walking over to his side, "Let us worry about the what if's and how you'll be treated. Because I can tell you now, you'll be treated with so much love and care, you won't know what to do with it all."

Mumbo set a hand down on Grians' and for once he didn't flinch.

"Just trust me when I say that you'll be alright."

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