Dropped (2)

643 23 30

Warnings: Kidnapping and whatever was in the previous one?

Relationship: GriDaph

Summary: Sam comes and kidnaps Grian and he can't fight back well because of his arm.


Grian's POV

There I was, just in the barge seeing what needed to be stocked and taking a mental note of it because I still couldn't do anything about it.

Broken arm.

It ruined all my plans. I started to get annoyed with how much thought I was putting into this stupid injury. But regardless, I sighed when my communicator went off. I was lucky Doc was able to fix my communicator and stat bars to my right arm.

HC Emergency Alert:
Player: Unknown
Location: Jungle, *set of coordinates*
Hermits In Possible Danger: Mumbo, RenDog, Grian, Stress, Iskall, Scar

"Well, looks like I'm crashing at Zed's." I mumbled to myself and texted Zed.

<Grian> Zed, can I crash at your place while X takes care of this weirdo?

<Zedaph> Yeah, of coarse. No hermit left alone.

<Zedaph> Especially with the HC Alert system.

<Zedaph> Where are you?

<Grian> Barge, I'll meet you in the Nether.

<Zedaph> Two minutes.

<Grian> Kay, I can't fly, so I need to have a clear path to your portals of contraptions.

<Zedaph> I already took care of that.

As I walked through the portal, I thought I could feel something staring at me. But I ignored it and just met up with Zed in the hub at the bottom.

"Hey, glad you got here safe."

"The portal was only like... Maybe twenty blocks from the barge. It's nothing."

"A lot could still happen. C'mon Gri."

"Watch it be like Sam or something." I chuckled, "That'd be dangerous."

"He'd kill you!"

"I'm trying to shed light on a bad situation. It can't possibly be Sam. It might just be like EX or Hels. Sam's been missing for years."

"That still doesn't mean they can't pop out of nowhere."

"Yeah, but we're safe here. It's not like it's Sam."

Two Days Later

Zedaph was out while I was making lunch when I suddenly heard him yell my name and I walked out with plates on my right arm and sat them on the table.

"Zed?" I asked, "Are you okay?"

He was relieved to see me, but a large hint of worry in his voice, "Thanks goodness you're okay."

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