The Omega and The Hermits

972 31 8

Warnings: Abandonment

Relationship: Grian/Tango?


"This kid hasn't moved once since I got here." Star said, "What's wrong with him?"

"First of all, the kid's name is Xelqua. Secondly, I don't know what's wrong with him."

"Ugh, just drop it back in a player world and let them deal with it. It's an omega, so what's the worst that it can do?"

"Aren't you aware of how dangerous an omega Watcher's powers are? They-"

"I don't care. Just do your job."

"Yes sir."


Scared, abandoned, cold. That's all he could feel. Though the cold did feel nice against his heated skin.

He huddled in a ball, deep inside a cold, dripping cave. Raspy breaths and trembling came from his body. He could feel a kicking feeling inside of him, but he couldn't move enough to try and figure out what it was. He felt paralyzed.

"Look, Tango, I'm not saying that we SHOULD blow up a farm, but I-"

"Zed, shush... Do you hear that?"

"Sounds like breathing."

"Follow. Something about it just doesn't sound right."

Hurried footsteps were heard, and a small shout.

"Kid. Hey, kid. Are you okay?"

He didn't answer. His eyes were half lidded as he breathed.

"Let's get him to Scar and Xisuma. They can help."

"Maybe they can even tell us what he is. I mean, he's got wings."

He flinched only slightly at the feeling against his wing, but he stayed still.

"Tango, they're fluffy!"

"Zed, would you stop messing with him? We need to get him out of this stupid cave."

His body fell limp when another hand touched his stomach.

"Oh shit... Tango, pick him up and carry him out. I'll call Scar and X."

He fell unconscious. He wasn't able to hear anything, at least that was until he could once more.

"What is he?" 

"I don't know. I've never seen anything of his kind before." 

"Is he going to be okay? He didn't look too healthy when we found him." 

"He should be fine. And considering he was pregnant... I don't even know how he's even survived."

A flex of his toes signalled his consciousness to them. And a light shined in his eyes.

"Hey, what's your name kid?"

No answer.

"How old are you?"

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