Under Fire

584 22 17

Warnings: Blood, Injury, Bombs, Arson, Fire, Unconsciousness, Attempted Murder, Kinda Breaking and Entering, Panic, Mild Swearing

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma, Ren/Female OC that doesn't exist in this fic because I'm lazy and don't wanna write an extra character :D

Summary: Grian and Ren find themselves stuck in a sub-basement when a building explodes with them inside while they are hunting down an arsonist.

Grian - Lieutenant, Field Officer, Watcher
Ren: Detective, Field Officer, Werewolf
Xisuma: Captain, Void Walker


Grian started training at the academy when he was Twenty. He was top of his class, not because of his abilities, not because of his past, but because of his strength. Grian may have been recruited by the Watchers at Fifteen, but he was released and learned to repress his powers enough to where they only effected his life for when he needed them. He has a few enemies, but none that he's too concerned about. His partner, Ren is the same way. They both serve under Xisuma, Grian's boyfriend, in the same unit. Ren is a normal human, he trained with Grian when he was a young cadet.

Grian and Ren were both out in the main office, Grian's feet were kicked up on the desk, arms behind his head supporting it. Ren was looking through the files of the arson case they were investigating.

"This guy has hit four different buildings."

"All of which exploded before they caught fire." Grian added, "We're looking for someone who's handy with bombs and fire."

"We've gotten the footage back and I've noticed one thing about each cam." Ren got up and gave Grian the pictures after Grian put his feet off his desk, "There's been one same person in all of these fires."

While Grian was looking at the three pictures, he noticed the same person. Brown hair, black ripped up hood, blue jeans. But because the picture was too grainy he couldn't make up the face.

He picked out the one picture that had their culprit walking towards the cam, "Get this picture to forensics. Have them clean it up and get back to us."

"Grian, Ren."

"What's up X?" Ren asked, turning towards him.

"I need you both to go out to the abandoned office building down on Newport. We got a lead on our arsonist."

"We've had no leads for three weeks, and with each week this dude blows up another building." Grian mentioned, "How do we suddenly have a lead now?"

"An anonymous tip from the hotline." Xisuma said, he tossed Grian's badge at him, "Take Ren and get going."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm on it Cap." He motioned Ren to follow him after putting his badge on his belt, covering it with his shirt.

Grian was one of the detectives that was allowed to wear casual clothes while he worked. He wore a pair of black jeans, a casual red short sleeved shirt, and boots that went to the top of his ankles. Ren wore almost the same as Grian, only he wore a vest on top of his long sleeved shirt.

Grian watched over the roads while he drove, watching the people walk down the streets as he made his way to the abandoned building.

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