When Furby's Take Over

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Warnings: None in particular that'll be bad....

Relationship Intended: Grian/Etho

Summary: Etho turns into a furby after provoking a witch, decides to haunt Grian for all the pranks he pulls against the hermits.


WHY NOT? Excuse me, enjoy the story. XD


Grian and Etho have been bumping heads for a bit.

Etho, being Grian's main competition as server prankster, wanted to pay him back for trying to take his title as most chaotic hermit.

No, Scar and Mumbo don't count.

Etho was out for a nice midnight stroll when he heard the familiar laughter of a witch. 

While he looked around for the being, it splashed him with a potion that was odd to him.

When he finally spotted it, he killed it with a shot of his bow.

His vision became wonky, he became dizzy. He was lucky to have been near his base so he went back to it and slept the night away.

When the next morning light shined against his eyes, he woke up. He groaned when he sat up.

"What happened to my feet...? What happened to my arms...?" He got out of the bed and nearly fell on his face, "WHY AM I A FOOT TALL?!"

He tried running to the nearest pool of water, quickly only realizing that he had waddled to the water.

"Long ears, tiny eyes, beak, little... paw like things for feet.. wings... WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME!?" Etho shouted, "I... I look like a furby. That's creepy. Well.. Black fur... Might as well have some fun with it."


Grian having just woken up, he made sure that he washed himself, then proceeded to make his way to the shopping district to restock the barge.

Grian was looking peacefully in the chests, grabbing handfuls of stock and putting them in the chest. 

He suddenly heard a slight chirping behind him and looked behind him.

"What in the name of Void...?" He whispered to himself, looked down to see black fur on the ground, "What is this? Eh, probably nothing."

He turned his attention back to the chests. Then he heard another chirp followed by a scamper and he pulled out his communicator in fright.

<Grian> Is someone in my barge? Or did someone put a bird or something in here?

<Xisuma> No?

<GTWScar> Grian, are you okay?

<Grian> I don't know...

<Grian> A little frightened, not gonna lie.

When he heard more chirping he started looking around frantically trying to find the source.

He was in the middle of the barge when someone... Some thing fell on top of him and Grian screamed.

"Hang on... Etho?" Grian asked in disbelief, "Etho, is that you?"

"Hi Grian." Etho chuckled.

"What happened to you? You look ridiculous."

"Oh gee thanks." Etho then bit Grian's nose and Grian threw Etho off him.

"Dude, ow!" Grian groaned pulling out his communicator, "I'm telling the server about this and you're gonna pay for biting me."

"Not my fault I was turned into this... thing."

"Is it though?"

<Grian> I figured it out...

<Xisuma> Oh that looks bad.

<GTWScar> What did you do?

<Grian> *I* didn't do anything! Etho is one of those Furby things!

<Xisuma> I'm sorry. Etho is a what?

<Grian> It's unsettling... I'm not watching him.

<GTWScar> Need a wizard?


"ETHO STOP IT." Grian yelled lightly pushing the Furby man away, "I'm trying to get you help so you can not be this unsettling thing."

"I am not a thing."

"Right now you are a thing. So shush."

<GTWScar> Grian.

<Xisuma> He's not responding...

<Grian> Sorry! I'm dealing with a one foot tall Furby thing who WON'T STOP BITING MY ANKLES.

<Grian> Scar can you help me or not?

<GTWScar> You? No, you're far beyond my level of expertise. Etho? Yeah.

<Grian> Rude, but okay. Meet at your snail?

<GTWScar> Already there!

"Okay Etho. We're going for a ride."

"Oh no. Not with the way you fly."

"Rude." Grian said crouching down, "You don't have a choice. You can either ride in my arms or I can carry you by your giant ears. Your choice."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Did you just say dare?"

"Grian... No."

"Too late. Come with me you little freak." Grian chuckled grabbing the Furby Etho by his ears and quickly taking off without another word of protest.

When Grian arrived at Scars' snail, Grian threw Etho is first.

"Who's the chaos hermit now, Etho?" Grian taunted, "Here's the little freakazoid."

"That's not nice." Scar said, "What did he do to you?"

"One, challenge me for my title." Grian said glaring at Etho, "And two, scared the life out of me in the barge. Fix him. Please."

Two hours later, Etho was back to normal. He walked out and stretched, Grian was hanging on the balcony his arms crossed.

"Do you accept defeat?" Grian asked, "Also are you doing better?"

"I never surrender. This isn't over Grian."

"Really? Because I think it is."

"I'm gonna get you back for dragging me by the ears. Head my warning strawberry."

Grian's jaw dropped wide as he watched Etho fly away. When Scar walked out he started laughing.

"Vengeance will be had."

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