Forest Fire

492 23 6

Warnings: The normal ones

Relationship: Grian/Etho

Grian: Fire Captain


"Firefighters from neighbouring cities have come to join in the fight against the massive forest fire on the south side of the city. The firefighters of our city have been asked how long they think it'll take to finish fighting this disaster. And so far we've not been able to get an answer out of them."

Etho sighed as he turned off the TV. He picked up his phone and tried calling Grian, but he was sent straight to voicemail, per usual. He worried for Grian but he knew that he was okay. Grian is smart he knows that Grian gets into trouble all the time.


Grian was in the middle of the fire with one of the paramedics looking through for a missing kid in the forest.

"Don't you think you should take a break, Captain?"

"There's no time for a break when people are hurt." Grian said with a cough, "Finding that kid is what matters right now."

"You should really call your family."

"I will later. But for now, let's finish this."

Soon enough they found the kid, he was okay and Grian and his paramedic walked him out of the forest.

As Grian was talking with some of the other captains, a messae rang through the radios.

"Attention all units, be advised; Three CL-215's have been dispatched to the forest fire."

"GET EVERYONE UNDER THE TRUCKS!" Each Captain to get their teams under the trucks as the planes went over head, dropping the water on top of the forest, ceasing the fire completely. As Grian climbed out from underneath once the deed was done, he waited for a message from one of the pilots overhead.

"Pilot 3H075: Attention all units; The fire has been completely put out."

Each member of the twenty five units that were there started cheering, Grian leaned against the 135 rig with an exasperated sigh.

"Let's pack it up!" One of the other Captains shouted, that same Captain walked up to Grian and patted his shoulder, "Way to take charge. You did a good job, your team should go home first."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, go. You guys have been here for longer than any of us."

'Okay' Grian inaudibly said, turning on his radio, he spoke, "135, let's go home. The others got this covered."

He got in after his team, with his exhaustion, once the group was down the hill, Grian fell asleep, so did three others. When they pulled into the house, the driver woke Grian up.

"Cap, I'm giving you a ride home. You've not slept in days."

"Hey, I'm not arguing.."

While the others were finishing putting things away, Grian was filling out paper work, well, finishing the paperwork.

After he was dropped off, Grian took a breath and started unlocking the door to his home. He was surprised to see Etho in the kitchen grabbing a drink.

"Grian! You're home!" He shouted, "You're okay!"

"Please... Don't shout, I have a pounding headache." Grian replied, "I've only gotten an hour of sleep for three days..."

"Okay, do you want some water? You look terrible."

"Please." Grian said, plopping himself onto the couch, "Sorry I've not returned your calls."

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