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Warnings: Mentions of blood

Implied light Grisuma ship

Grian was down in one of the caves trying to find diamonds. He set down a torch on some gravel on accident, and updating the ground under his feet. He screamed as he fell, hitting the ground pretty hard.

Slowly sitting up, he realized he fell on his shoulder and hand. His left hand covered in blood, his shoulder hurting. He tried standing, quickly realizing that he couldn't move, he opened his server comms and tried contacting someone for help.

<Grian> Is anyone in or near any caves?

<Xisuma> There's a lot of caves, what's going on?

<Grian> I kinda.. updated some gravel and now I can't move

<Xisuma> Where are you? I'll come get you, especially considering I'm the only active hermit

<Grian> I'm also near a bunch of lava... :(

<Xisuma> Yikes, coords?

<Grian> -2000 5 -1500

<Grian> can you bring a healing potion too? I'm pretty hurt.....

<Xisuma> On it kiddo, I'll be there in a bit. How bad?

<Xisuma> Need to know if I'm bringing healing 1 or 2

<Grian> bring 2 just in case

<Xisuma> on my way now

Grian propped himself against a cave wall once he got feeling back in his legs. He was pretty far off from spawn so he was hoping Xisuma would get to him as quickly as possible.

~Perspective Change; X~

Xisuma was flying about with potions in his hands and was looking for the coords that Grian sent him.

He landed a few blocks away and started digging straight down.

He fell down about ten blocks and heard someone breathing.

"Grian?" Xisuma called, "Where are you?"

His voice echoed off the walls of the cave, he could hear the lava running and the near sound of Zombies. He walked closer to the small breathing and quickly found Grian with his eyes closed.

"Grian." Xisuma said, shaking the small hermit, "Grian, wake up."

Grian only stirred a little, Xisuma sighed as he propped the healing potion against Grians' lips, tilting the bottle and his head slightly so that his outside wounds would heal.

He immediately stopped when Grian started coughing.

"X?" Grian asked.

"Yeah, let's get you out of here." Xisuma replied, gently grabbing the smaller hermit and flying out of the hole he dug and flew over to his base.

An hour later, Grian woke up, he immediately noticed that his hand was wrapped up.

"Xisuma?" He called, Xisuma walked in quickly.

"Hey sleeping beauty." Xisuma chuckled, "How you feeling?"

"Better than I was.." Grian said, "Thank you."

"Yeah, no problem." Xisuma said, "I'd rather you stay here for the rest of the day so I can watch you."

"I'm not a baby, X." Grian pouted.

"No, you're not." Xisuma chuckled, "But I want to make sure you don't do anything stupid like get stuck in a tree."

Grian laughed, "Fair enough."

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