Rescue From The Past

673 29 20

Warnings: Mentions of abuse, Implied kidnapping

Relationship: None

Request: enby_ofdoom


Grian, Xisuma, Doc, and Iskall were all in the lobby searching through the main hub's database.

"What if we can't find someone?" Iskall asked out of the blue, "I mean, there's not a lot of wolves in-"

"Found one." Grian interrupted, "He's in a children's home for the special, in the Insanity Server."

Each hermit winced, "That's... That's where we got you..." Xisuma mumbled, "You sure you still want to come with us?"

"Well... I know what it's like to help traumatized kids." Grian said, closing his laptop, "It might be our best shot of helping him."


Xisuma took the hermits to the Insanity Server, quickly but carefully. He noticed Grian's uneasiness as they walked up the steps to the institute. He pulled his arm around him, then whispered, "Stay close."

Grian held Xisuma's arm as an administrator walked up to them, "Well, isn't it the Hermitcrafters. Here to return the Watcher?"

The administrator started reaching for Grian and he pulsed his powers to keep him away, "Don't touch me."

Xisuma pulled Grian behind him, "No. He's fine in our care. We're here about the hybrid wolf."

"Ugh, fine. Follow me."

As they were walking to the lower levels, Grian and the other hermits heard the continuous howls of the harmed hybrids. It made Grian's eyes change their colour in fright. Dark purple irises outlining his pupils.

Grian noted Xisuma glancing down at him every so often, then his arm around his shoulder once more when they reached the door they needed.

"The wolf is in here." The administrator groaned, "Two knocks if you're taking him."

"Yeah, whatever."

When they walked in, they saw no body inside.

"Where is he?" Doc mumbled, "I swear, these people never let their kids out of their rooms. So wh-"

"If I know a traumatized kid, he's under the bed." Grian interrupted, then knelt to the edge of the bed seeing a short flash of blue irises then immediately to red. Grian spoke softly to the child, "Hey... C'mon out."

A loud growl came from the child and Grian flinched back, his own irises flashing back, showing that he too was a hybrid. The wolf hybrid scampered out of the the underside of the bed and to the corner. Grian looked over the edge, seeing the wolf acting feral.

Xisuma put a hand on his shoulder, "You got this."

Grian smiled at him then moved about three feet in front of the wolf. He sat crisscrossed on the floor, hands planted on the ground in front of him, right wrist exposed to the other. He tilted his head when the wolf looked up at him. Grian thought when the irises didn't change, he quietly summoned his wings, a loud flap as they spread then to a folded position behind him. Grian's Watcher mark shining on his shoulder.

The other's irises turned back to a calm ocean blue as he turned human. Grian sent the child a smile.

"You're tiny for a Watcher."

"You're tiny for a wolf."


After a moment, Grian spoke, "My name is Grian."


"Pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise." His tone was rather unamused, annoyed even.

"We're from the Hermitcraft Server." Grian said, near quiet, "We want to take you to a new home."

"How can I believe you?"

Grian looked over his shoulder, "Suma." 

Xisuma looked at him, then walked over and crouched beside him, "What's up kid?"

Grian looked up at him with innocent eyes, "I used to be in the same situation. Suma took me in. I never thought I could love another family after being in this place."

Grian emphasized his point by moving his head against Xisuma's shoulder, Xisuma pulled his arm around him.

"Two knocks." Xisuma said to the others, "I'm gonna fill out your paperwork so you can come home with us. I'll be back."

Grian watched as Xisuma walked out.

Twenty minutes later, Ren went home with the hermits, Grian flew above the Hermits.

"Grian, get down here so we can portal back."

In a second, Grian's wings disappeared and he immediately fell into Xisuma's arms, "Idiot."

"You love it."

Xisuma rolled his eyes and put up the portal, each hermit walked through.

~Couple Months Later~

"Xisuma, where are the kids?" Scar asked, "I haven't seen them all day. Grian's usually out flying or something."

"They're probably in the other room." Xisuma said, putting down the thing he was working on, "They've been really quiet come to think of it."

The two walked into the other room, they saw Grian curled up with his wings over himself, knees up to his chest, Ren sleeping beside him. 

"Awe, Ren's really grown accustomed to this new life."

"He really has." Xisuma chuckled, running the back of his fingers against Grian's wings, "Grian's really helped him through it."

Grian whined in a yawn, "Suma, let me sleep."

"I didn't mean to wake you." Xisuma chuckled, "You're just cute when you're sleeping. Especially with Ren."

Grian groaned, pulling his wing over his face so the darkness could help him sleep. Grian was small enough to where his wings could act as a cocoon, his entire body fit underneath them.

Xisuma glanced at Scar, then jerked his head back towards the door.

Shutting the door behind them, Xisuma said, "Let's leave them to sleep. It's cute."

"If they're up all night, it's your fault."

"I'll knock them out with a tranquilizer dart if I have too."

"That's a little extreme."

"They're hybrids."


"They'll be fine."

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