Hybrid Migration (2)

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Look to previous for warnings


Grian followed Xisuma close as they walked down the hall.

"Grian, did you pick up the thing I dropped?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It's an admin weapon. Turn it on."

Grian took the weapon out of his pocket and turned it on. The device wrapped itself around Grian's wrist and clipped into his skin.

"Ow... Why is it attaching to my skin?"

"You're a Watcher. It recognizes you as an admin by blood. It'll also help you control your other powers which is why I purposely dropped it."

The two hid behind the wall to another hall, waiting for a door to open. Once the door closed, Xisuma asked Grian to turn into a cub and run across the hall to the room. Xisuma quickly followed in.

"Grian, I need your claws." Xisuma said struggling to get the restraints off the hermits, "Now."

He ran over and cut the straps. Xisuma managed to get the hermit up to his feet and helped grab the rest of the group to get them out.

The moment they all walked out a shot was taken at Grian, slamming him against the wall.

"GRIAN!" Xisuma shouted, running over to the cub, "Gri? Grian, can you hear me?"

"Why can't you hybrids just behave?!"

One look at the attacker from Xisuma and he was banished to the void.

"Don't piss off a Void creature..." Etho whispered, "Xisuma scares me sometimes."

"GOOD!" Xisuma nearly shouted, "Scar, I need you. Grian's hurt and he's not responding to anything I'm doing."

Scar ran over and started taking vitals, "I don't know what's wrong... His vitals are fine." Scar started to move his hand down Grian's neck and hit something metal. He moved the fur and saw a paralyzer attached, "Xisuma, he'll be okay. We just need to get this off him." 

"And how do we do that?"

"Just use your void powers and I'll pluck it out." Scar explained, Xisuma did as asked, "3, 2, 1."

The small device was plucked out, Grian turned back human, "Ow..."

The moment Xisuma was cleared to do so he quickly started looking over the child, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." Grian mumbled, he hugged Xisuma, "Can we go home?"

"Of coarse.. C'mon." Xisuma picked up Grian and carried him through the forest back to their own home. Some of the other hermits walked up closer to them and ensured each hermit's safety.

By the time they got back home, Grian was asleep. Xisuma laid him in his bed an let him rest, staying in the room, watching over the child. At some point Grian woke up waking Xisuma as well.


"Yeah, kid?"

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"


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