Cell Block -- A

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Warnings: Padded Cells, Isolation, Chains, Implied Paranoia

Relationship: Scar/Grian


Xisuma woke up this morning with an email from the Main Hub watchers.


We have found someone that suits your needs. He is actually our missing Watcher, but you can have him for your season six.

He is currently at the Sunlight Institute in the Hybrid Server. We nicknamed him Sundrop, that's the only name he may remember. In all actuality, his name is Xelqua Grian Lite. Descendant of the Lite royal family.

Take care of him,

Xisuma opened the server's chat logs immediately after reading the email.

<Xisuma> Guys,  the Watchers emailed me.

<Xisuma> They found us one of their own.

<Iskall85> A Watcher in Hermitcraft? Isn't that a little extreme?

<Xisuma> No. Deal with it.

<Xisuma> I'll be taking Scar, Doc, and Ren with me.

<Docm77> Fine, we're coming.

<Xisuma> It wasn't a choice anyways.

The hermits all met up at the main hub and traveled to the server where the child was.

The orphanage itself looked like it was built as an old prison. The windows were barred up, some of the glass was broken, even the building looked like it was crumbling.

"This place is run down!" Doc said annoyed, "This is really an orphanage?!"

"This is ridiculous." Xisuma mumbled, walking ahead of the group. When they walked in, they were encountered with screaming children, not screams of joy, screams of pain, "This... This is not normal."

"How can I help you four today?" An administrator greeted rudely, "I don't recall getting a visit today."

"Yeah... Uh, we're looking for a Watcher.." Xisuma started, "The Watchers called him Sundrop?"

"The winged child. He's in Cell Block -- A."

The administer guided them down to the bottom layer of the facility, walking through the hall, they were greeted with actual cells with heavy built doors, some completely blocked in with no natural light.

"You people can't be serious." Xisuma groaned as he walked down the hall with three other hermits and the administrator of the facility, "Why do you keep kids in padded cells!? It's completely unethical."

"These kids are the more dangerous. They have special features to them that make them dangerous."

"They're kids, what's the worse they've done?"

"Nothing yet, which is why we keep them down here."

They heard small sobs from the cell at the end of the hall.

"What is that?" Scar asked, "It sounds like crying."

"You wanted to see the wings." The administrator snapped, "He's considered the most dangerous, and he's in this cell."

He opened the cell door and the four hermits walked in, what they saw scared them.

A young boy, muzzled, cut, filthy, bruised, mangled ankle.

"Oh my god... What the heck is wrong with you people!?" Xisuma shouted, "He's injured and you've done nothing about it!"

"He is dangerous."


"He's a WATCHER."

"I don't care. Give me the keys so I can get him out of this hellhole and get him some actual help. He is an innocent child. He doesn't know how to use his powers. He doesn't deserve to be treated like an animal." The administrator gave Xisuma the keys, "Now get out."

The administer left, Xisuma knelt to the child's side, with the key as a card, he put it by the scanner and the electronic muzzle and bracelets jumping off of the child's body.

The hermits backed away so that the child could get used to having no extra weight on him. Pretty soon the young boy was just hiccuping, almost hyperventilating.

Scar moved slightly closer, "Hey, breathe... It's okay."

Scar reached out to Grian, when he didn't flinch away he moved closer and wrapped his arm around him. Grian moved into a hug holding onto the hermit tightly.

"Awe! He likes Scar!"

"He's a Watcher, they usually cling onto the closest person they feel safest around." Xisuma explained, "I'm surprised he did it so quick."

"Let him calm down then we'll take him to the main hub hospital."

Scar was rubbing circles into Grian's lower back, letting the small child relax in his embrace. As Grian's breathing went to a steady rhythm, Scar picked him up, "He's so light.... Can't be anymore than fifty pounds."

"Let's get him to the hospital to get that ankle checked out."

~Two Hours Later~

The doctors in the Main Hub had to cast up Grian's ankle because it was broken. They had to sew up some of Grian's cuts, but they discharged him immediately.

~One Week Into Hermitcraft~

Two days after Scar diagnosed Grian with separation anxiety, depression, PTSD, and Malnutrition. He made sure that Grian felt loved in the world. Scar kept him in his base for the time being until he wanted to leave with his ankle healed.

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