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Warnings: Blood, Abandonment of a child at a young age, malnutrition, 


Grian was found as a child. Young, tiny, malnourished, and injured. He was only five when he was found.

He was scared. Abandoned by his mother and forced to live against the tortures of the world.

Though this young child was different, he couldn't rely on anyone but himself.

It was pouring down rain, he sat against the wall of a filthy building. His clothes were torn top to bottom, his knees pulled tightly to his chest, arms folded on top of his knees, face buried.

He couldn't stop crying. He'd gotten hurt two hours before, his arm bleeding from a gash going horizontal across it.

His heart was breaking piece to piece in his chest.

Over his sobs, he could hear the faint sound of footsteps hitting against the rain on the ground, but he paid no attention to them until he felt no rain hitting his head and shoulders. Then a soft voice.

"Are you lost little one?" The person said, "Do you know where home is?"

Grian sniffled before looking up, "I.. I don't have a home.."

"Why don't you come with me? I can get you a nice hot meal, get you out of those clothes, some medical care."

"B-but I..."

"It's okay. I can help you." The person sent out her hand to Grian. Despite not knowing the person, he took the hand and followed the lady.

The lady in question was only maybe five foot tall with long hair, let black hair.

"W-who are you?"

"To you, a friend."

"And you're just going to help me?"

"Yeah, you look like you need it. We're a wealthy family, so we can give you whatever you may need."

"I don't wanna be a burden..."

"Oh trust me, you won't be."

Only a few seconds later the two reached the rest of the family, they were both looking threatening. A tint of purple colour to both their outfits.

Grian cowered under his own wing.

"Who's your friend hun?" The male authoritative figure asked.

"I don't know his name, but I found him in the alley. He's hurt, let's get him some help."

"Hon, he's not a pet. And he doesn't know us." The male said, "He looks petrified."

"Can we please just help him? He'll catch his death out here."

The husband agreed to helping Grian, not a word spoken all the way to the nearest hospital.

Grian continued to stay quiet, not speaking a word as the nurses took his vitals in an ER room.

"How is he?" Mother asked.

"His blood pressure is low, 70/20, heart rate is rather low, 48, O2 is normal, and body temperature rather low, 91.2." The nurse replied, "I need to draw some blood from his arm then I'll send in a doctor to have him look at his arm for that gash."

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