
998 22 4

Warnings: Kidnapping, injury

He had just escaped from a human trafficking ring. He was lucky, but he ran straight to a Main Hub hospital because he was hurt, he was sure he had broken ribs. When he got through he went straight to the phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" 

"X, it's me. I need help. I'm currently in the Main Hub hospital... I need you here." 

"Slow down, slow down. I'll be on my way soon." 

"Please hurry because I think that the traffickers are sending people to search for me... I'm scared." 

"Go get some help in the ER. I'll be there in five minutes." 

"Okay.." He hung up the hospital's phone and went to an ER booth. 

"Well you are a mess." The receptionist said, "How can I help you?" 

"I just escaped from a human trafficking ring. I think I have broken bones." 



"Okay, give me your wrist." He held out his wrist and the receptionist put a hospital band around it, "Follow the nurse to the back." 

Grian was scared, but he followed the nurse regardless. He only wanted to be safe. 

After a while, the nurse brought Grian to a room where she brought out some supplies. 

"I'm going to need to draw some blood. Are you okay with that?" 

He nodded and allowed the nurse to do as she needed, Grian looked at the pen colours when she asked him to initial the vials. He grabbed the red one and initialed it.

He knew that something was wrong when the nurse walked in to say that a female was there to see him. 

"Mum!" Grian shouted with a smile. 

"Oh Grian, my sweet baby boy. Thank goodness you're okay." 

"I'm okay, mum. I'm okay..." Grian said softly but quickly realized something was wrong, "Wait-" 

A shock was sent through his body and the hold by his mother strengthened, "Shh, shh, it's okay... Just go to sleep." 

"You're hurting me.." 

"Shh, you'll be fine, just sleep." 

His world went black. 

Not even a minute after, Xisuma had walked into the hospital and was brought to where Grian supposedly was. 

"Where is he!?" 

"A woman came to see him. He said it was his mother and-" 

"You idiots. His mother is the ring leader!" 


Grian woke up strapped to a bed. Every moveable part of his body strapped tightly down. 

"WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!" Grian shouted, "Just let me go! I don't want to be here!" 

"You'll be fine if you live, son." 

"I didn't think you'd experiment on your own kid!" 

"Shut up, Grian. It's for your own good."

End Part 1

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