ZIT Angst

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The teams friendship got to be on the breaking point.

Tango on HEP.

Impulse on the resistance.

Zedaph not involved.

Zed was basically the mutual voice between the three of them. Whenever the three were together, Tango and Impulse would be bickering at each others throats.

"You're impossible! Mycelium is the ugliest block!"

"We all know that isn't true, Tango. It's about the principle!"

"The principle? What is the principle?! That's all you Resistance members shout!"

"It's not about the block!"

"Right because it's about your nonexistent principle."

Zedaph was sitting on one of the beds in the room they were all sharing. Rubbing his temples while listening to the two yell at each other.

"GUYS SHUT UP." Zedaph shouted, "This whole thing about Mycelium and Grass has gotten out of control! And now it's corrupting our friendship. Can't you two just put our differences aside for ONE NIGHT!?"

"IT'S NOT ABOUT THE BLOCK!" The two shouted in unison.

"I don't care!" Zedaph shouted back, "You two are letting the whole turf war kill your friendship. And to be frank with you, I don't like it. And I'm upset that you won't cooperate with each other outside of your feud!"


"Tango, shut up and let me speak." Zedaph threatened, "If Grian and Xisuma can be in a relationship and set aside their differences, why can't you two?"


"This has been going on for a month. Finish it. I've had enough." Zedaph stormed off, flying to find our friends Grian and Xisuma.

He found the two on a beach, staring into the sunset.

"Grian, X." Zedaph said as he walked up to them, "I need your help."

"Well, hello to you too, Zed." Xisuma chuckled, "What can we do you for?"

"Tango and Impulse and driving me mad with their constant bickering about the whole turf war." Zedaph explained, "For the past month they haven't stopped yelling at each other about what block is better."

"It's not about the block." Grian chuckled, "It was never about the block."

"Yeah, it's about the principle. I get enough of it from them, Grian. I don't need it from you." Zedaph said, his tone beyond annoyed, he took a step back and took a breath, "I'm sorry, Grian, you didn't need that aggressiveness. Just... They're taking the whole turf war way too seriously and it's driving them apart."

"Have you tried locking them in a room together?" Xisuma suggested, "It worked for Grian and I."

"After you nearly killed me."

"Shush, anyways, that could help."

"Can you guys help me with it though? This isn't easy."

"Yeah, Zed. We got you."

One Devious Trap Later

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Zedaph asked, not believing that it will.

"It worked with Scar." Grian taunted, "It'll work with them."

A couple minutes later, the two arrived.

"What're you doing here?" Tango threatened.

"I could ask you the same question." Impulse threatened back.

Up above, Grian pressed a button, the two hermits screamed as they fell through the hole and into a cell.

He appeared at the top.

"Hello, boys!" Grian greeted with an evil smile, "Zedaph has tasked me with getting you two to stop being at each others throats. So make up or I start dropping endermites and chickens on your heads."

The two hermits watched as Grian closed up the hole.

"The sneaky little..."

"Tango, stop." Impulse said putting his hand on Tango's chest to keep him still, "They're right. This whole turf war thing has been getting too complicated and too heated."

Tango sighed in frustration, "You're right. This is all just a fun little game. What're we doing?"

"Letting blocks get into our heads apparently. Are we really going to let a block take control of us?"

"Mycelium took over Ren."

"Ren's a different kind of weird. We don't mention that. But the point of the matter is, is that we shouldn't keep letting this be so confrontational."

"How do we always get ourselves into these messes?" Tango said with a chuckle, "Last season we were on opposite sides of the Prank war, then there was Demise and we died together, now there's this."

"Gosh we're a mess. What were we even fighting about?"

"Even I don't know anymore. This entire this is a mess."

From above, the three hermits were smiling at the top of the hole.

"Cameras are great." Grian chuckled, "I'm dropping an endermite on their heads."

"But they just made up!"

"Yeah, I know. But Zed, I'm Grian. I do as I wish."

"I think Grian's the most dangerous out of all of us."


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