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Warnings: Panic maybe?

Relationship: None

Summary: Xisuma's code gets corrupted, Grian helps.


Xisuma always knew there was a chance for a small corruption to come into the server. He just never thought it'd happen to him.

It's mid-week, no hermit was near him. Until there was.

"Xisuma! What's going on?!" The hermit shouted, "Xisuma, can you hear me?"

He got no response, so he went into the chat.


<Grian> Like? I know there's like a bug going around, but I think it's just a head cold.

<GTWScar> He's glitching out. I don't know what to do!

<Grian> First, breathe, second, I'm on my way, third describe the glitching you're seeing.

<GTWScar> Purple sparks, his arm is glitching, he barely looks like he's breathing.

Grian gasped and flew quicker than humanly possible.


<GTWScar> I'm out of the room but what is it?

Scar didn't get an answer, because the second he sent that Grian almost crashed inside.

"Did you touch him?" Grian asked in a panic, "SCAR."

"No, what is it?"

"It's a Watcher bug, it's extremely contagious to mutants and those with powers. That includes you." Grian pushed Scar further away from the door, "Stay out here."

"Wait, you're a Watcher. You have powers-"

"I'm immune. I was tested with this when I was young. And by tested I mean experimented, my blood was used to create and destroy the virus so stay out here."

"Do you need help? Or will you?"

"Probably, I'm going to need a direct blood transfusion. Lucky for X, he and I have the same type. I don't want anyone in here unless their entire body is covered with protective gear. This is a class ten virus. Go."

"Got it."

As Grian walked in, he went straight to Xisuma's side and touched his glitching arm.

"Xisuma, can you hear me?" He said when he finally got Xisuma's body stable in one piece, "Xisuma?"

"̶̝̳̆̉̓̅͠Ĭ̷̙̀́̽̈́̈͛̚͝͝ͅ'̴̘̎̔̕m̸̟̜̮̼̝̓͒̅͌̌̄͠ ̷̳̞̙̮̲̖̗̭̗̏̄͊́̀̾̅̃̓͝h̷̡̢̢̛̙̯̦̝̐͂͒͜ë̶̢̥̼̫̟̫͔͕́͗̈͠ͅr̶̫̳̉̌̄̈́͐́͘ȩ̵͇̬̔́͐͠,̸͎̱͓̰̦̌̊̽͋͋͘ ̶͔̘͍͚̱̹͇̿̿͐Ģ̴͕̪̠̠͚͓̳̠̃ͅr̶̨̤̜̰̞͔̐̍͆̈͐ī̴̠͍̖͇͓͍ͅa̵̢̲̟͙͖̲̼̳̰̺͊͆̎̃̊̕̚̕ň̵̨̡̛͎̬̮̞̜̓̽͐͑̽̈́̿.̸̗̝̰̳͐͐́"̵̛͉̈́̋̎̃̂̈̎̾ Xisuma said, his voice completely distorted as he spoke.

"Okay, don't speak just lay there." Grian said taking the admin's communicator and bringing up the admin screens, overriding XIsuma's login with his own, "Hang in there X, I gotta get into your player code."

Grian began quickly reworking Xisuma's code, soon enough he found the source of the virus. He managed to take out that part of the code then a knock on the door.

"Who is it!? I'm busy!" Grian shouted, "This better be good."

"Grian, it's Scar, I have Cub with me too, we're both completely covered with protective gear. Head to toe."

"Kay, you better be ready for this because this is serious."

They walked in and immediately shut the door and saw Grian with his wings almost completely spread as the holographic screens in front of him. He moved his eyes and head in snappy frantic like motions, just watching the screens and continuously glancing at Xisuma's heart rate which was gradually decreasing with every second.

He glanced over at the two hermits who walked in.

"Lock the door, don't touch X." Grian said, finally taking the major piece of corrupted code out, "I'm lucky I'm smart. You got supplies?"

"Yeah, what-" Scar started, but was immediately interrupted by Grian pulling Scar towards him.

"Give me the needles, I need to keep getting this virus out." Grian said, Scar handed him the needles and he immediately put one end into Xisuma's arm, "Just don't touch X, I only need attention to the needle in my arm."

"Okay, I got you covered." Scar said, grabbing Grian's arm and putting in the other side, "Okay, how long are we going to do this?"

"Until he stirs back to normal." Grian said as he sat down and started typing on one screen with his left hand, "Let's get to work, Cub, I need you to follow the directions I'm about to give you. Okay?"

He moved the screens towards Cub as Grian's blood started going into Xisuma.

"Where that one small code corruption is replacing it's letters with mine. 'SVHJL'." Grian groaned at the sting in his arm.

"It's asking for your override code again."


"Why is it so long?"

"Because it is, deal with it."

Grian started to feel dizzy and looked at Xisuma who was finally looking like he was stabilizing.

"He's stabilizing, how're his vitals?" 

"Stable, his heart rate is normal along with his BP and oxygen."

"Good..." Grian breathed, his words more breathy, "Cub?"

"All clear."

At that, Grian fully relaxed, his wings behind his back and leaned against the wall.

Half an hour later, Xisuma woke up to Scar taking out a needle from Grian's arm.

"Hey guys." Xisuma said, voice gravelly, "What happened?"

"Class five Watcher virus." Grian confirmed, standing up on shaking legs, "You're lucky to be alive."

"SO ARE YOU." Scar nearly shouted, forcing Grian back to sit, "Dude, you need a nap. You gave him a lot of blood kid."

"Scar I'm fine."

"Cub, get him to lay down."

"On it." Cub replied, grabbing Grian by the arm and guiding him to the bed, "That's it one foot in front of the other. C'mon."

"How much..." Xisuma asked nervously and confused.

"Two and a half pints, the kid's insane." Scar said, looking into Xisuma's eyes with a light, "You should be fine, but just rest for the night and you'll be okay. We'll tend to Grian. Don't worry about him."

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