Too Close To Death

509 20 12

Warnings: blood, death, injury, tsunami's

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Things: Grian: Captain (FD) Hybrid - Watcher
Xisuma: Lieutenant (Police) Hybrid - Void


Grian and his team were at the pier finishing a call when a loud siren sounded through the pier, Grian looked up.


"That's a tsunami warning!" He shouted, "Everyone go, move!"

Grian and his team all hunkered behind a wall once the tsunami hit.

The strong waves from the hit knocked everyone to different areas in a five mile radius. 

Grian was currently struggling to get above the water, but when he did get above, he was able to grab onto a branch of a fallen tree and pull himself up into it.


Grian looked towards the call and sighed in relief, "Ren, Scar!"

"Grian get over here!"

Okay... Water rushing at thirty miles, improvise. Grian thought, then saw the rest of the tree was roughly stable enough for him to make his way over to the edge of the truck they were on. He got up slowly making his way down the branches carefully. 

On his last step, the branch he was on broke and he fell inside the water. He grabbed onto one of the rocks beneath the water and pulled his way closer to the truck. Grian grabbed onto an edge of the truck and made his way above the water. Once he did he grabbed onto the bar at the top then Ren and Scar pulled him to the roof.

"You alright man?" Ren asked, as Grian started coughing.

"Yeah..." Grian panted, "I'm lucky I'm a hybrid. But that water is too fast to fly out of."

After a minute, they heard screaming after about a minute of Grian resting. They each looked over and saw multiple people floating down in the water.

"I got an idea." Grian said, grabbing the hose that was on the truck, "I'm going to take this across the land, tell the citizens to grab onto it. You guys pull when I say too."

"You got it cap." Scar and Ren said in unison.

Grian nodded, summoning his wings and flying to the other side. He heard Ren and Scar inform the people in the water to grab onto the hose which they did and Grian made his way back over to the truck helping the people onto the roof of the vehicle.

"Is everyone okay?" Grian asked, pulling his wings away, "How many injuries?"

"None that are too serious." A female said, "You look pretty cut up though are you sure you're okay?"

"It's nice that you're thinking of our safety, but our priority is the people's safety at this moment." Grian said taking a look at each individual on the roof, "We're doing out best to try and find the rest of our group and a rendezvous point for medical treatments."

"We've been sitting here for the past hour! We've not done anything!"

"Well we can't contact dispatch or anyone else because of the water. So be patient with us."

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