Life Isn't All Sunshines And Rainbows (2)

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Look at the first one for warnings, relationship, summary.

Warnings Added: Torture

THANKS! Also, I keep calling Scar and Cub Scub when I'm trying to refer to one of them in my head. -.-


Suma needs you Grian.

Suma needs you Grian.

Suma needs you Grian.

Suma needs you Grian.

The chains on his wrists and wings were making it hard to focus as he was separated from the hermits and brought to a torture chamber. There, he was stripped of his shirt as he was chained with his wrists bound above his head and his wings chained extended away from his body.

"L-L-Look, I don't know what I did to make you things mad, but please, let the hermits go." Grian pleaded, "They're innocent in all of this!"

"We don't care."

They got close to Grian's face.

"And we're going to make them, and your brother, watch what we're going to do to you."

"Do what you want to me! Just don't make them watch."

"We've already decided, Xelqua." The Watcher seemed to look at someone, "Hit him."

"What?" Grian asked, but it only came out as a whimper as the Watcher turned to leave.

A scream racked through his body as he felt almost a hundred small, sharp razors cut through his back and right wing.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" He shouted, trying to look back but couldn't move his head far enough to see.

Another scream, more pain. It just kept going, over and over and over again.

He couldn't tell how many lashes were hit against his back, but by the time someone touched his chest, he was sputtering out cries and whimpers, flinching at every small movement. Feeling the calloused fingers softly drag against his collarbone sending chills through his body. He was trembling. He didn't want to look up at the Watcher in front of him.

"Take him to a separate cage. Keep him separated from his brother until we're ready for him to fight him."


A slap across his face sent him silent and gasping, "Shut up. Put him in the cage in front of the hermits."

Soon he was being dragged, his arms, back, and wings were in so much pain. He could feel his blood drying on his pale skin as he was dragged through the large, purple, arched halls of the temple.

He was thrown to the dirt in the cage. Almost screaming when some of the dirt and pebbles got inside the wounds.

"Sleep tight, Xelqua."

Grian trembled and curled himself in a ball as he laid on the ground, ignoring the pain in his wing as he pulled it over him for warmth.

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