Agent (3)

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Read Agent (1) for warnings and relationship

Warnings added: Torture, kidnapping, mentioned rape & abuse

Summary: With their covers blown, it's a race against the clock to protect all the hermits from a renegade agent.


"SUMA, GET OFF YOUR ASS AND MOVE IT." Grian shouted shoving Xisuma out of the bed, "We're all in danger. I'm calling Bezos."


"That wouldn't have happened if you had just gotten out of bed!"

"Agent Xel, what's your status?"

"I need to know how our covers got blown. Bezos, I'm in a server with about twenty other people. I need to know what I'm protecting them against."

"Your old partner."

"I don't have an old part- FUCK. Suma, high techs, now!"

"He's armed and dangerous and your his target."

"Kinda figured as much. Agent out." Grian turned off the call, "We need to move, this guy is highly dangerous and his heart is set on having me dead."

"Y'know if you told me who he is, I would know what to bring that's not 100% deadly."

"Let's just say this idiot took me for advantage one night." He explained briefly hitting the wall with his elbow to reveal the more dangerous weapons, "Take the stun grenades, if we corner him, we can take him down with a stun."

"On it."

"I'll send out a distress call to the hermits and get them all in one place."

"That's probably not a good idea, if this guy is capable of hacking through the agency's system, then he probably has some dangerous weapons."

"I hate how right you are."

A crash was heard behind them, the next thing Grian knew, a collar hit against his neck sending him falling back and to the ground, landing in front of Xisuma as a flash of blue, red, and purple ran through the room.

"Grian!" Xisuma nearly shouted putting his hands on his shoulders, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Grian replied, almost breathlessly, he tried using his powers, "My-My powers are blocked..."

Xisuma grabbed the collar, pushing his fingers between it and trying to pull it off.

"Ow. Ow, ow, OW. SUMA STOP." Grian shouted, "These things are designed to tap into my nerves. You'll paralyze me."

"What do I do? How-"

"Step away from the Watcher, Void Walker."

Grian stood pulling out one of his wrist weapons, "Suma, get the hermits to a secure location. I'll handle this."

"Are you sure?"

"You told me you trusted me on our first mission together. So trust me now and go."

Xisuma didn't want to leave him, but he did regardless. Grian turned his attention to the renegade agent.

"Hello, old partner. I see you've replaced me."

"Actually, this one's new." Grian growled, "After you were deemed traitor, I was a lone wolf for a decade and a half then Agent X came. You're not needed Sam."

"I'm more needed than you."

"Mmm, no you're not." Grian replied, aiming at Sam, "I don't follow your demands anymore."


"I FOLLOW ORDERS BETTER THAN YOU." Grian shouted, "I fought by your side, I treated you like family, I treated you like a brother! You turned around and betrayed us all, it's not my fault that you turned traitor!"

"I could care less that I turned traitor. I only wanted you."

"Well, you can never have me. I am not a piece of property. I am not your slave, I am not a part of you. Unlike you, I'm an agent who will follow orders and directions. It's not difficult to follow the law!"

"'The law is the law'..."  Sam mocked, "IT DOESN'T MATTER, GREE-ON!"

"It always matters. It keeps people like you from killing us!"

"And what're you going to do? Kill me? YOU HAVE NO POWERS."

"I don't need my powers to kill you."

Sam walked close to Grian. And Grian couldn't find himself to pull the trigger.

"You can't do it, can you?"

"I... I can't move.." Grian mumbled, "What did you do to me?!"

"Your powers and movements are temporarily neutralized. You can't fight."

He moved to Grian's ear, "You should have shot when you had the chance... Xelqua."


"X, you need to explain to us what's going on." Doc said, walking up to him, "You can't possibly think that Grian could turn against you and the agency."

"It's Grian. Nothing can turn him." Xisuma said tossing Doc a weapon, "He's loyal. And I trust him. And as a former agent, Doc, you should too."


"You've known him for years. You should know he doesn't turn on his own people."

"Are you sure?"

"How could you even say that!? This is Grian we're talking about! He's smart, loyal, strong, he knows what he's doing! He would never turn against us."


"There's nothing wrong with how Grian operates. He's smart enough to protect himself in the agency when his old partner attacked him, he's smart enough to protect himself here."

A scream racked through the land, echoing on every hill, every building, every layer of grass, then a wave of energy vibrating the ground.

"That can't be good." Doc mumbled, "Grian's powers."

"He told me he had that handled."


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