Behind The Fire

494 22 11

Warnings: Blood, injury, fire, arson, attempted murder, planned death of oneself

Relationship: Scarrian


Grian was working under the hood of their rig, "Okay... That should do it. Try it now."

The other fighter tried turning on the rig but it didn't start completely.

Grian groaned loudly and continued working, "Damn thing..."

"Captain Void?"

Grian yelped and banged his head against the hood, he turned around, "Deputy Director Chavez. What can I do for you?"

"First of all, what's wrong with your rig?"

"I don't know. I'm trying to fix it. What're you doing here?"

"I've just wanted to make sure all your things are up to code. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Yeah, no, you're fine. Go ahead and do your job."

At that, Grian went back to the truck and continued working on it. And after a while he finally got it working again.

"Okay, let's break for lunch." Grian closed the hood and went up the stairs and started cooking the lunch for the firehouse, "It's been a slow day which is nice."

A few of the other firefighters popped in, "Yeah it's been really-"


"-NO!" At that moment, the alarms went off and Grian groaned, "Awe... Never say the 'Q' word probie! Let's move!"

As Grian's team was working through the calls, Xisuma was out on patrol with his own partner.

"Are you sure you're okay with your kid being a fire captain? I mean... He's just so tiny tiny."

"Hey, don't knock Grian like that." Xisuma said with a glare, "He may be small, but that gets him into places where the others can't. So don't knock my kid like that."

His partner hummed, "It'd be a shame if something were to happen to him."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing, Sergeant Void."

On their break, Xisuma's partner met off to a completely different person.


"Officer Wolfe. What've you got for me?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Who does the Sergeant care about the most?"

"Besides his squad? His kid. Fire Captain of the 145."

"I know the kid. I've already taken care of that part."

"Good. Soon the Voids will be nothing but a memory. Rig the kid's firehouse."


Just throughout the day, Grian and the 145 got no break between calls. Xisuma made a few arrests, including Sam and his partner.

"What is the reason you're buying fake circuit breakers? Three building have burned down because of you two!"

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