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Warnings: Implied abuse, 

Relationship: Grian/Impulse

Summary: Grian's in his mansion awake in the middle of the night with tears falling from his eyes. Impulse finds him upset and tries to calm him down


"You'll always be nothing but a pathetic little curse!"

A pathetic little curse.

A curse.

If being a Watcher is a curse... Then I guess I am.

A pathetic little curse just to walk the land with no hope.

He sat there against the wall, tears falling against his wings and knees. He surrounded himself with his wings because it made him feel safe. It helped calm him down, but not completely.

When he heard footsteps coming closer to him, he looked up and saw Impulse standing there next to him.

"Hey, buddy. What's wrong?" He asked, then sat next to him but Grian pulled away until his back hit a corner, "Grian, what's going on?"

"Stay away from me... I don't want to hurt you."

"You've never hurt me, c'mon, tell me what's wrong."

Grian remained quiet.

"Grian, tell me what's wrong."

Grian pulled down his wings, "S-Sam..."

"Go on."

"He told me one day that I will always be nothing but a pathetic little curse. I-I-I guess that's just always stuck with me."

Impulse moved closer then held out his hand, "You're not a curse. Why don' you sleep with me for the night?"

"But.. What if I hurt you?"

"Gri, you're not a curse, there's no way you could hurt me. You've never hurt someone you love. You never did in season six, and we're almost halfway through season seven you've not hurt anyone."

Grian remained quiet, unmoving.

"You don't have to say yes, Grian..." He said softy, then picked Grian up, "But you're not spending the rest of the night alone."

Grian folded his wings tightly behind his back to that Impulse could properly carry him. He didn't fight back, he didn't squirm, he let Impulse carry him to his base.

He and Impulse spent the rest of the night together.

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