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Warnings: Mentions of sex trafficking, Panic, light blood, injury

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Summary: Grian has just escaped the Watcher/Angel sex trafficking ring he was born into. He ran until he couldn't anymore. He was found by a few hermits in the main hub who took him in and cared for him.

Dynamic: A/B/O Dynamics


He escaped his hell for a hot moment, he ran through the main hub with a limp. He used his powers to change his form, his paws hit the ground and every puddle. It was pouring down rain and it hurt when the drops hit his wings.

He knew he was sending out distress hormones, but he didn't know if someone would come for him.

Three people saw him run behind a corner and multiple people run past the corner that were heavily armed. The three looked at each other and ran to where they saw the young person hiding.

He was hiding behind a bin when he heard footsteps, his eyes full of tears as he listened, hoping they would go away. They just kept getting closer and closer and closer until they stopped.

"Kid, are you okay?" Someone asked him, but he only got up and tried to fly away, but he screamed and fell back to the ground and to his knees, "Whoa! Whoa, kid are you okay? What's wrong with your wings?"

He couldn't answer, he didn't know how to answer. How are you supposed to tell someone you've just escaped a Watcher/Angel Hybrid sex trafficking ring for Omegas?!

Rushing footsteps were heard, "Doc, shush the kid. They're coming back."

He felt a hand clasp against his mouth to hush his cries as the same people from earlier rushed by them. One purple eyed fellow started looking at him and it made him flinch back to where he fell on his hands.

"Please don't hurt me!" He shouted, "Please, please, plea-"

"Kid, let us help you, okay?"

"Yeah, you're hurt. Someone is clearly after you and you reek of distress hormones." The cyborg picked up the small child and he trembled in his arms, "You'll be safe where we're taking you."

"I-I-I-I-I was told that bef-before! It was a lie! Put me down!"

The cyborg's grip only tightened and the purple eyed fellow summoned open a portal to their world and took the young child in.

Once more the purple eyed person spoke up, "Doc, Tango, let's get him medical assistance now. I'll call Scar."

The cyborg laid the child down on a bed and began looking at his neck but not touching the trembling child.

"How old are you?" The cyborg asked, "You're quite young."

He held up ten fingers with trembling arms.

"Good Christ, kid. Xisuma! Get in here."

The only thing Grian could notice was the purple eyes beyond the visor of his helmet.

"What's going on?" The person named Xisuma asked, "What's wrong with the kid?"

"He's only ten years old and he's got people after him."

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