
883 31 11

Warnings: None.

Relationship: GriDaph

Summary: Zedaph drops Grian in midair and accidentally breaks his arm.


"There's no way I could drop you!" Zedaph said, "C'mon, Grian, just let me carry you back to your mansion. Your elytra are low."

Grian rolled his eyes, "Fine, fine. I'll let you carry me back to my mansion. I hope you know it's raining."

"It's fine, I have a tight grip, you know this."

Grian shook his head with a smile as Zed picked him up.

"If you drop me, I'm calling X to kill you."

"That's fair."

I'm going to die.

Was Grian's immediate thought.

Halfway through the flight over, Grian noticed something and it almost made him jump.

"Z-Zed.. I'm slipping." He said, his voice almost panicked, he had stupidly taken off his elytra before they left the base, so if he fell, something would happen, "ZED, I'M SLIPPING."

He readjusted his grip against Grian and it only made it worse, because the next thing he knew, Grian was falling.

"ZED!" Grian shouted, "ZED, DIVE!"

As Zedaph was diving, he held out his arm to Grian to try and grab him, but he was too late, because Grian had just landed on the ground. Zed quickly ran to his side and rolled him onto his back.

"Grian, oh my goodness, I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize, just get me to X..." Grian strained sitting up and cradling his left arm, "I landed on my left side, I think my arm is broken."

"Shoot.." Zed mumbled, "Stay here, I'll be right back."

"Where am I going to go?"

"Fair, just.. I don't know man, just stay there, I'm texting Tango."



<Zedaph> Tango, X, I did something...

<Xisuma> Oh no

<Tango> What did you do to Grian?

<Zedaph> WHAT!?

<Xisuma> I'm with Tango on this one, it's just that suspicious.

<Zedaph> Guys, Grian slipped out of my arms and fell against a tree on his left side, he's hurt and I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt him by carrying him any farther.

<Xisuma> How far is his base?

<Zedaph> Maybe a few hundred blocks or so?

<Xisuma> Do you have obsidian on you? Make a portal and help him through the Nether.

<Zedaph> Right, yeah. Okay, I'll meet you at his mansion then.

He turned back to Grian who was back to laying on his back.

"Grian, I'm gonna have to guide you through the Nether. We're meeting X and Tango at your mansion."

"I'm never letting you carry me again."

"Again, that's fair."

Zed made the portal quickly then carefully grabbed Grian by his right side and slowly got him through the Nether.

"Easy does it, Grian. Step by step."

"Zed, I'm not a child. I know how to walk. You only broke my arm."


Grian chuckled at the guilt filled Zed and continued walking through the Nether.

As they walked into Grian's mansion, Xisuma and Tango were waiting for them.

"There they are." Tango said flying up to them, "What took you two so long?"

"Kinda hard to get through the nether with no elytra." Grian said rolling his eyes, "Look, my arm is really starting to hurt."

"Right, c'mon."

They soon situated Grian to lay on his back so that X could analyze Grian's arm.

"Yeah, that's definitely broken alright." Xisuma mumbled, "Tango, run over to my potion maker and get a healing pot. It won't heal him completely but it'll heal him enough to put a sling on, but then it's like three weeks of resting that arm."

"Got it, Xisuma." Tango said then flew off, Zed walked up to Grian's side with a nervous smile.

"He'll be fine, Zed." Xisuma assured, "The potion will heal the break to a simple hairline fracture and it'll heal itself from there."

"Yeah, but I feel bad for dropping him."


"Oh you're no help, X."

"He'll be fine."

After about twenty minutes, Grian's arm was put in a sling so it could heal.

"Don't use the arm, G. It won't heal otherwise."

"Also means I can't fly, so that's... Great." Grian responded as a groan.

As Grian was resting, he was leaned against Zed with his head against his chest.

"I'm sorry, Grian."

"It's fine, Zed. I'll live. It's just a few weeks of rest. What's the worst that could happen?"

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