When Future Meets Past (2)

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Grian separated himself from the hermits almost completely after sending them to a world of their own to call home. Through the time that he was alone, he decided to take on the head of the Watchers.


It's been four years since Grian let the hermits be in a completely new world.

It was peaceful, nothing was destroyed, they had no worries about Watchers coming for them.

<Iskall85> Guys, there's a portal that looks like it's made from a Watcher by the diamond pile.

<Xisuma> I'm coming, everyone meet over. It might be Grian.

<Iskall85> How can you be so sure Grian *wants* to come back?

<Xisuma> It's Grian, we're his family. He's bound to be back soon enough.

It wasn't even five minutes later when every hermit was crowding around the portal. Each hermit armed, swords ready.

A person in a black hood came through the portal with a flip landing on one knee.

Said person felt the softness of the grass beneath his palms, the portal closing violently behind him.

The person stood with a sigh while pulling down his hoods, "Hermits."


"STOP! There are knives on my back and you'll get cut by them." Grian said, halting the hermits from touching him. He grabbed the four blades that were on his back and tossed them to the ground, "It's good to see you guys."

"Grian, what did you do while you were away? You look in worse shape than Scars' chest monsters." Xisuma said giving the small male a hug, "It's really nice to see you."

"Well I mean, I'm alive."

"Did you bring anything back?" Mumbo asked when Xisuma let Grian go.

Grian smirked and ripped off the chain around his neck, "The Watcher crystal. I defeated the master Watcher in fair combat and now all Watchers bow to me."

"And what kind of changes are you going to be making?"

"For starters, that apocalyptic world we were in, is now back to its original glory. Like this world when I first created it for you guys." Grian explained as the crystal started showing a holographic form of the world, "Secondly, every Watcher is using their powers to create rather than destroy. Worlds and players are going back to where they began."

"So then what happened to the Watchers that were attacking you?" Iskall asked interrupting the story Grian was giving.

"I have their heads in my inventory."

"Grian that is very grim."

Grian shrugged, "Not the weirdest thing I carry around with me."

"Okay, we don't wanna know."

"No, no you wouldn't. It's the things you do to survive." Grian then turned to Xisuma, "We need to talk, Xisuma."

Grian and Xisuma left to what was Xisuma's base.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were part of the apocalypse?"

"I- What?!"

"I saw what was inside those Watchers' heads, X. You can't hide everything. You were the main cause of the apocalypse, but you don't remember anything because it wiped your mind of everything Watcher and taking your powers with it."

"I guess that makes sense, but doesn't. But okay."

"You're a mess, X."

"Yeah, but what do you carry in your inventory dude? Besides the heads of Watchers?"

"Are you sure you want to know? You're going to think I'm a maniac."

"Try me."

"Apart from their heads, I also have their Watcher marks. Cut them right out of their skin, kept it as a trophy."

"Grian, that is absolutely disgusting."

"Sometimes you gotta live for the fight. I really need to get back in touch with my human side. Because what I was doing was absolute insane."

"Absolutely insane. Sadism."

"It's not sadism! ... It's totally sadism. Which is why I'm here. I'm tired of killing Watchers, tired of killing in general." Grian said with a sigh, "I kinda lost my humanity a while back so, no time like the present to get started on a new life. That's... If you'll welcome me back?"

"Grian, you're always welcome here, you're our family. Always have been, always will be."

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