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Summary: Scar's vex powers go to his head, he takes over the HEP teams' minds and makes them follow his orders and demands.

Warnings: Fighting, blood, the usual Phantom fic warnings. You get the drill by now.


Scar woke up this morning, his eyes glowing a bright blue as he got ready for his daily speech to the new Hermitcraft.

"Greetings Hermits." Scar greeted when he looked over the hermits, team HEP on his sides, "The Mycelium menace is no more. They're all somewhere where no one can find them. For two days ago we've imprisoned all of the resistance members."

~Two Days Ago~

A surge of pain filled his veins. He felt hot, electrified, powerful.

He walked to the closest puddle of water and noticed his irises have started glowing a bright blue.

Vex magic.

But it was too powerful, it quickly took over his mind. It controlled him.

He smiled evilly as he opened his chats.

<GTWScar> HEP meeting, ASAP.

<Tango> Oh dear.

<Keralis1> Sounds urgent.

<Falsesymmetry> I feel like I should be scared.

<BDoubleO100> Cubby and I are already in the town hall. We'll make our way up.

<GTWScar> Good.

When Xisuma looked at the messages, something didn't seem right. A meeting at seven AM? That's a really odd time to have a meeting.

He figured since he'd spent the night at Grian's, he'd get up carefully without waking him up.

Though he made him breakfast first, then left him a note, and took off.

While Scar was talking, Xisuma started to overhear what he was talking about, then a large blue blast and he landed on top of the HEP tower.

"Now that you all are under my control. Bring me Xisuma. Then we'll have the full crew."

The group all agreed, loud and unanimously, then each of them flew out, not noticing him on top of the tower.


Grian had just finished getting ready for the day when his private message alarm went off on his communicator.

Xisuma whispers to you: Something's wrong with Scar. I think he just took over the HEP team's minds. I need your help.

Grian whispers to Xisuma: I'm sorry, mind control?

Xisuma whispers to you: Yeah. I think it's serious.

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