Agent (4)

415 19 8

Everything from the previous Agents.


A scream racked through Grians' body as he felt a strong shock of electricity shake through his body.

"That's forty volts of electricity running though your blood. Remember my torture methods?"

"Quite... Ah, quite well." Grian gasped, "Something else that I didn't miss about you. Not that I missed you at all."

Another shock and another scream.

"Don't be a smart ass, Gree-on. Or else I'll rack up the volts."

"I can handle 150 volts of electricity. This is nothing."

Sam pushed another button, but this one made him able to fall to his  knees.

"If you really ca-"

Grian kicked Sam in the jaw midsentence, kicking the remote out of his hand in the process and it slid across the room.

"Wrong button, Sam. If you really wanted to stop me you would have done something else. You've lost your edge."


"No you really don't." Grian snarked, then put Sam into a choke hold, "Surrender or die. Your choice."

Sam struggled against Grian's hold, "How did you get so physically strong?"

"It's called training. You should try it, maybe you'll be a better fighter."

Grian reached down to Sam's side quickly and grabbed one of the open blades then pinned it straight to his neck.

"Let me go you coward." Sam growled, "This isn't fair combat."

"It's more fair than what you're thinking it is."

When Sam broke free, he and Grian both were both evenly matched until he and Grian both threw their sharp blades at each other.

The blade in Grian's hand went straight through Sam's head while the one in Sam's hand hit Grian in the neck, almost lodged there. He could feel the blood coming up through his neck as he wheezed for air.


He coughed in response, it was a wet cough and hands were on him.

"Grian? Grian, are you okay?"

"NO I AM NOT OKAY." Grian tried shouting, "The remote, X... The remote."

Xisuma looked to the left and grabbed it, pressing the red button which released the collar from Grian's neck.

Grian felt his powers surge once, then he grabbed the blade and pulled it out swiftly, then immediately healed the would so that he wouldn't bleed out.


"I'm okay... I'm okay, I'll be fine. That.. That hurt."

"I could imagine." Xisuma said lightly touching the bloodied skin, "That blade was lodged in there deep. How did you not bleed out?"

"Because I'm smart, I know that if I just stayed still, I wouldn't die in less than three seconds."

"You had me scared." Xisuma replied back with a hug, "Don't ever do that to me again. You told me you had this handled."

"I know what I said. Don't give me an 'I told you so'."

"Too late."

Then they lived happily ever after.


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