Time and Time Again

608 27 6

Warnings: None

Relationship: None

Extra: Grian's De-Aged and a Watcher, Ren's a Werewolf


Ren was living in the woods away from all civilization. He learned to survive on his own.

At midnight, Ren was out searching his traps when he started hearing strained breathing.

Whatever has been caught should have been dead by now...

Ren walked over to it, knives in hand. The trap had caught a winged person inside it.

The person's wings were mangled inside the wiring of the trap. Ren looked at the still breathing being, after shining a light on it, he realized that the being was a child. The kid looked at Ren, closed his eyes and moved his head, facing away from the hybrid.

Instead of finishing killing off the hybrid, Ren started cutting the wires off the child's wings. Slowly being sure he got the wires out from between the boys feathers before continuing. It took him a while before the child was free, Ren picked him up and started walking through the forest back to his small base.


"How can such a tiny child get caught in one of my traps?" Ren mumbled to himself while he was setting a wing, he soon noticed three different brandings and a normal species mark, A Watcher. What is he doing out so far from home?

"Thank you..."

The small voice frightened him, causing Ren to jump.

"What're you doing out so far from home kid?" Ren decided to ask, helping the young child sit up, "You're a Watcher, Galaxy breed. What's your name?"

"I- ..." The child started, "They called me Xelqua."

Ren noticed a cut on the bottom of the child's chin, "Let me finish helping you then I'll take you back to your home."

"They don't want me back."

"What? Why?"

"Well... I kinda maybe probably accidentally set someone's wings on fire while I was training."

"Mistakes happen."

"Yeah. But I've made a lot of mistakes. My parents kicked me out when I couldn't use my powers right."

"You're young and tiny. They seriously think you can survive out here in a world where you don't know what's going on?"

Xelqua looked away, shrinking down. Ren noted his wings tensing up, he could see the child's feathers moving from it.

"That is beyond ridiculous." Ren groaned, he took out his phone, "You're lucky I know people. I can't take care of a kid. I have a friend who's been trying to force me to come live in his world for the past two months. He can take care of you. He specializes in the winged species."

The child stayed quiet, letting Ren do as he needed.

"Sorry you got caught in my traps. I'm out living on my own because people don't like werewolves. Are you feeling okay kid?"


"Xisuma's gonna be here in twenty minutes. When was the last time you ate?"

No answer.

"Okay. It's been a while then. I got some berries in the fridge you can eat."

Ren gave Xelqua the berries. Then waited for Xisuma to come.

Xisuma appeared through a portal and Ren glared at him.

"Can't you use the door like a normal person X?"

"Hey, I never get to use my powers, so no." He looked to Xelqua, "Galaxy Watcher?"

"Yeah." Xelqua mumbled, "I don't want to be any trouble."

"Kid you're lightyears away from home which is why our kinds portal travel."

He shrunk down again, not making eye contact.

"Oh." Xisuma whispered, "Ren, you and him are coming to Hermitcraft with me. No objections."


They went to Hermitcraft.

Three years later because my brain is too tired for scenes again

"I remember when I got caught in Ren's traps." Grian teased, "He had to literally cut me out of it."

"I still feel bad because of it." Ren replied, "Besides, you lived."

"I was dead sure I was going to die."

"Well, I don't kill kids, G."

"I would hope not."

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