Race Against Time

489 15 7

Warnings: Near Drowning

Relationship: GriSuma


Grian and Xisuma were both caught in a traffic jam on the bridge, something struck them as odd.

"Something isn't right, c'mon."

"Lieutenant XC, HCPD! What's going on?" Grian shouted when he ran up to the pedestrians, Xisuma following close behind.


Grian looked over to the quickly sinking vehicle, "X, one kid, two parents."

Xisuma groaned lightly, but said, "Grian, go. I'll get the citizens back."

Grian dove into the lake, the mother immediately started talking to him.

"Take my son out first! Please!"

"Stay calm, I'll be back."

Grian grabbed the child and pulled him to the shore, "Xisuma, make sure he's okay. Also make sure that paramedic units are on the way."

"They're three minutes out!"


This time when Grian dove back in, Xisuma followed him.

The vehicle was almost full of water, "Deep breath ma'am."

"Okay.." She gasped, Grian did the same thing. Under the water, He could see Xisuma get the father out of the car and Grian was left alone, but not for a long time because Xisuma came back and Grian moved inside the car to get a better angle. Grian pointed to the seat belt, Xisuma handed him his knife. Grian cut the seat belt, when Xisuma tried pulling her out, Grian noticed that her leg was stuck.

Grian had to move quickly, they were all running out of breath and he lifted the pedals enough to cut the woman's pants leg. only for himself to get caught underneath it. Xisuma tried to help him, but Grian refused. He pointed Xisuma up to the surface, reluctantly, Xisuma swam up.

"Captain Void!" Xisuma heard someone shout, "Are you okay?"

"Hen, hey. Yeah, I'm fine. Grian's still down there, he may be able to hold his breath for seven minutes but it's been nearly six."

"Go with my team they'll make sure you're okay."

"Sorry, but no."

The police chief soon ran over to them, "Aren't there supposed to be two of you?"

"My Lieutenant is still down there, he's caught under a few things and I can't get him out." Xisuma explained, "Get him out of there then we'll talk."

"I need two men down helping the other cop!"


"Just deal with it."

Two firefighters got into the water, they were immediately able to find Grian laying limply in the water, clearly unconscious. The two responders freed him and quickly brought him up to the surface.

"That's bad.." Xisuma mumbled, he saw paramedics run over and set up their stuff beside Grian, putting something down that could read his heart rate.

"Starting chest compression's."

"What were you two thinking!?" The fire chief shouted, "You should have waited for us."

"We were already here! People needed help." Xisuma shouted back, "We were doing our job!"

"Yeah? Well now your lieutenant is going under and he's not responding."

"How about instead of yelling at me you help him!"

They saw paramedics giving Grian CPR and being sure that his heart was still breathing.

At the next moment, Grian coughed up water, rolling onto his side as he spit it out.

"Oh god... Ow." He groaned, pulling himself to a sitting position, "Thanks guys."

"How have you not been fired yet?"

"Because I'm useful." Grian replied with a chuckle, Xisuma knelt beside him.

"You okay kid?"

"Peachy." He looked towards the paramedics, "Next time someone gives me CPR, don't wear lipstick. Bleh."

"You nearly died and lipstick is what you're worried about?"

"I've never liked the taste."

"Dammit I hate you."

"Love you too."

Xisuma glared at Grian and smacked him in the head. The paramedics started laughing, "You two have a complicated relationship."

"Hey, he's Captain. I'm just the Lieutenant. It's great."

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