
903 31 17

Warnings: Panic Attacks, Tears, Kidnapping, Separation Anxiety

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma (Fatherly)

Add-ons: Grian deaged and half blind


Xisuma looked in the mirror of his car and saw Grian asleep. He took Grian everywhere he went. He smiled at how cute Grian was while covered in his favourite little blanket. As Xisuma pulled into his driveway, he opened the backseat door and pick Grian up carefully as to not wake the tiny Watcher.

He felt Grian cuddle under him. As he walked into his home, he walked upstairs and went into Grian's room. Xisuma laid Grian in the bed and pulled the blankets over him, allowing him to feel warm as he slept through the night considering it was about Eleven at night. 

About an hour later, Xisuma heard a crash and walked out of his room and immediately went to check on Grian. The moment he busted through the door, he saw Grian being dragged out the window by his arms shouting for Xisuma. When he tried attacking, they immediately put a firearm against Grian's head.

"One move Xisumavoid and we'll shoot the boy in the head."


"Grian, I'll come for you!" Xisuma shouted to him, "Don't worry, I will find you!"

They dragged him out of the house and Xisuma pulled out his phone.


X: Guys, be on the look out for a black van with the license plate number 12FG8L

X: Grian's been kidnapped. I need all hands on deck.

Scar: How long ago?

X: Just now. I'm calling the cops now. Just be on the look out.

Tango: All on it!

After that round of texts, Xisuma called the cops at his precinct and got officers on the case asking for it to be privated so that the people who took Grian wouldn't know about the investigation. 

"I need to find him..."


"I wanna go home! Let me go home!" Grian shouted at the people who threw him into a glass ball with electronic laser electricity things on the device, "I wanna see Suma!"

Someone banged on the glass and shouted, "QUIT TALKING ABOUT XISUMA! HE WILL NOT BE HERE FOR YOU!"

"I know he will! He's always been there for me."

The person in front of the glass thing containing Grian opened it and picked him up by his shit, "Don't say another word about him and you'll live."

In Grian's frightened purple eyes, out of instinct, he bit the person holding him as hard as he could. Grian was thrown to the ground and hit in the head with the butt of the captors rifle.

"Stay down you little rat." The goon looked towards the others, "Start extracting his powers."


It was the the next morning when the groups started hunting down Grian with where they knew he was. The cops tracked the van Grian was thrown into and started running through.

When they busted in the building, Xisuma ran ahead of the other cops and started kicking doors open. He turned towards Ren, "I'm getting him chipped. I don't want this to happen again."

They got to the last door, all Xisuma could hear was sobbing and he kicked down the door and shouted, "HCPD! Nobody move!"

He and Ren both circled around and Xisuma saw Grian crying in the glass chamber and knocked on it, "Grian? Gri? Hey, I'm here. Look at me bud..." He wouldn't look at him and he didn't know why until he saw the blood trickling down the side of his face he noticed the tablet on the side of the machine and noticed that half of Grian's powers were drained and he opened the cage.

"Grian... Look at me. It's okay now... It's me, I'm here." He said calmly, turning Grian's head towards his face, "Gr-"

Grian hugged Xisuma tightly, squeezing the air out of him.

"I told you I'd come for you." After a moment of trying to calm him down, Xisuma picked Grian up, "C'mon, let's go to hospital, get your eye checked out."

Grian wrapped his wings around them, "I-I'm So-orry." He hiccuped.

"Shh... You did nothing wrong, c'mon." Xisuma whispered walking past the arresting officers, "I won't let them hurt you again."

Upon walking into the hospital, someone tried taking Grian away from Xisuma but he immediately started panicking and shouting, kicking. 

"Guys, you need to let me with him. I don't want him hurting you."

Grian reached out to Xisuma, just wanting him to hold him and tell him that he was okay. From there, Xisuma was with Grian throughout the entire time doctors were helping him. They told Xisuma at the end that Grian was now half blind, diagnosed with separation anxiety and some form of panic disorder.

Xisuma took time off from his job at the station to help Grian recover. That night, Grian couldn't sleep, he nervously walked into Xisuma's room holding his wing, "Suma?"

Xisuma rolled to the side where he heard the tiny call, "Yeah kiddo?"

"I.. I can't sleep."

Xisuma chuckled, "C'mon, climb in and get under the covers kid."

Grian did so, "Suma?"


"I love you."

"I love you too you little rascal with cold feet."

Grian giggled then cuddled under Xisuma's chin with his wings folding over the two comfortably, "Go to sleep you little gremlin."

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