Medusalith (Medusa) Amaquelin-Boltagon- Strength (c)

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An inhuman's powers meant something to them, it made them unique and gave them something that so many longed for. Taking that away from them, left them lost and in a shell of their former selves. Never had you actually experienced an inhuman being at loss of their power before, not until now.

You had been searching for your queen when you found a slumped form in the corridor. At first you didn't even know it was Medusa, without the bright red hair surrounding her, you barely recognised her. She was still in the same purple dress you saw her in earlier in the day, but her head no longer held the long red locks, instead being short, almost shaved to her scalp.

"Medusa?" You said softly, dropping down to her side. "What has happened?"

She looked up at you with tearful eyes. You could see she was scared and broken, lost to the world without her hair and without the protection that it offered her.

"Maximus," she whispered. "He wanted to turn me into nothing, and he has succeeded."

You shook your head, using your hands to cup her face, forcing her to look you in the eyes. Of course, you knew there was little you could do or say that would bring her solace until her hair regrew, but you certainly weren't going to let her give up now when the kingdom needed her most. She was the Queen after all and due to the King being unable to speak, she was desperately needed to comfort and inform their people.

"He has not succeeded, nor will he ever," you said forcefully, completely certain of the point.

She solemnly shook her head, wiping away her tears.

"Yes, he may have taken your hair, but hair grows back. And even without your powers, I know you are one of the strongest people here, your heart is your truest superpower and do not doubt that ever."

A weak smile curled onto her lips as she started to believe your words.

"You are still the beautiful queen of Attilan and that shall never change. The best thing you can do is still stand up strong and prove that even without powers you are the strong and stunning ruler alongside your husband. You will prove to Maximus that even without having powers you are still fit to be Queen, you will do the complete opposite of what he had originally wished."

"You see something greater in me than there truly is," she smiled softly.

"I can only see what is truly there."


Written by Charlotte.

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