Tony Stark- Pregnant (c)

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It surprised you how often you were in a situation that you doubted you'd ever be a part of.

Of course, you had heard of Tony Stark's infamous parties, but you never believed that you would go to one, nor did you have a huge desire to go to one. Since he had announced that he was Iron Man, his parties had become far more popular and well known.

You had been set up on a blind date and the guy that you were on the date with, had an invitation to Stark's party and wouldn't take no for an answer. Within minutes of being in the party, you realised you were way under dressed and your date realised he far preferred a model who gave him the attention he sought.

At first you planned to leave straight away, knowing the date was going nowhere, but the free glasses on champagne making their way around was an incentive. Taking a glass, you took a seat in the corner, observing the people around you until the host of the party decided to grace your presence.

You were an elementary school teacher, so you were completely unknown to Tony Stark, so that intrigued him. After a few too many drinks and spending too long talking to him, you had ended up surprising yourself with agreeing to go up to his room. Maybe it was the alcohol swaying your decision or just a moment of insane idiocy but either way you spent a night of passion with him and hastily fled in the morning without saying a word.

Here you were two months later waiting in the same oversized lounge waiting to speak to him, pretending to be the secretary of the businessman you had been set up with the night of your intimacy. You knew that he wouldn't meet with you if he knew who you really were as he'd assume you were a crazy jealous woman from his past.

Tony Stark walked down the stairs, a sly grin on his face as he saw you.

"Miss Y/S/N?" He offered holding out a hand to you.

You went to shake his hand but instead he cupped it and rose it up to his lips.

"I do not believe we've had the pleasure of meeting," he smirked.

"Oh, we have met once before," you said quietly, rather nervous for this conversation.

Tony cocked an eyebrow at you as he looked you up and down.

"You were at one of the parties," he said slowly. "We had a wonderful night. You aren't a secretary, are you?"

You shook your head. "No. My apologies Mr Stark, I needed to talk to you, and I knew if you knew I was just one of your hook ups."

"Did you want a second round?" He offered, getting closer to you.

"No. I wanted to talk to you about that night," you whispered.

"Want to share some tips with your boyfriend?" He smirked.

You let out a sigh. There wasn't any option and you needed to tell him the truth.

"I'm pregnant."


Written by Charlotte.

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