Steve Rogers- Grief (c)

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There may have been some form of blessing in Steve being in the ice for seventy years as he didn't have to see anyone, he loved die or suffer, they were just gone, as he had been for them. The one person he wanted to see most, Peggy, was still alive when he came out of the ice, but she wasn't doing good and the inevitable finally happened with her death.

At first you weren't sure how he would react. You knew he had somewhat moved on with you, now being your fiancé but you always knew that part of his heart belonged to her and you couldn't blame him for that. He tried to keep a brave face, not shedding a tear at her funeral and assuring you that she would be okay. When you returned to your hotel room, in the time it took you to turn around and close the door, he was sat on the end of the bed, tears silently falling.

You knew it would hit him at some point, but you hated to see him cry. Making your way over to him, you sat down beside him, wrapping him up in your arms. He allowed you to comfort him, leaning his head against your shoulder as you gently cooed that everything would be okay.

"I miss her so much," he croaked.

"I know darling," you whispered. "I know, and it is going to hurt, it's going to bloody hurt for a very long time but that doesn't mean everything is going to be bleak."

Steve peered up at you with teary eyes. "What'd you mean?"

"Well the sun is always going to come out tomorrow. Even if it's covered by clouds, it's still there. It's still trying to brighten up the world and that will happen for you. Some days it is going to be darker than others, but good things are always going to come."

A weak smile curled onto his lips as you leaned in to press a kiss to his temple, letting him rest his head against you again, his sobs lighter now.

"Even if things suck like hell now, that doesn't mean they always will. Grieving is normal, and it hurts a lot but with time it'll get easier. You just need to have the hope that you see the light in the future and see all the good things that the world has to offer you because you may not be able to see them now but they are there," you smiled.

"I love you Y/N, I really love you," he whispered against you.

"I love you too Steve."


Written by Charlotte.

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