Gwen Stacy- Bank (a)

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After nearly losing her life only a week prior, Gwen had promised you she would stay home for at least a fortnight to fully recover before going back out to fight crime. Yet, as you spoke to her room mate who told you she hadn't seen Gwen come home all night, you couldn't find yourself not surprised. You thought Gwen loved you, but if she did she would at least give herself time to recover.

"Gwen, come in Gwen." Tucked away in your room as to not give away Gwen's identity you tuned your radio in to Gwen's wavelength and hoped that she would respond. "Gwen, stop fucking with me, are you there?"

"Hey y/n, any chance I can..." A series of deafening explosions rung through your earphones. "Could we maybe put a raincheck on this conversation? I've got a little situation going on over here." Last time Gwen went out on patrol she almost died, and you had to pull her from a burning wreck of a production plant. What kind of trouble would she be in without you there this time?

"Where are you?" You asked, throwing your coat over yourself and slung your prefilled backpack over the top of it. "I have my stuff, tell me where you are."

"I don't need your help y/n. I appreciate it, and the whole saving my life thing, but I'm fine. Don't put yourself in danger it's just some petty bank robbery." A rally of gunfire erupted from the earpiece, followed swiftly by the wind as Gwen weaved between buildings. "I'm fine I promise."

"So, you're by a bank? Simple, all I need to do is search the news feed for police activity around banks and... I'll be there in about ten minutes. Don't try and stop me, if the location changes tell me. I have some of the gadgets you gave me, I'll stay out of the way until I see you're in trouble and I wont attempt anything out of my abilities."

"I don't care." She protested heartily as the pained groans of crooks being webbed to walls was met by a triumphant 'okay' by Gwen. "You're staying in your room. I'll call you if I need you but the best thing you can do is staying safe. I've lost enough I can't have you risking yourself."

"I don't need you here. It's just something else that I have to watch out for. Stay at home, keep your eye on the news and tell me if anything serious happens."

"Gwen?" Between deep, labored breaths she responded. "Yes?"

"I'm at the bank, I'm with the NYPD."


Written by Aaron.

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