Steve Rogers- Date (c)

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When you heard the doorbell go, you couldn't help the smile that appeared on your face. It wasn't your first date with Steve, but you certainly were still stuck in the fantasy period where you were like lovesick puppies excited for any moment you got together. Seen as you both worked to make the world better, you rarely got moments where you won't covered in blood and bruises, so your dates were sought after times that you could dress up and enjoy each other's company without focusing on making sure the other didn't get killed.

You opened the door, letting yourself share a gentle smile with your date.

"You look beautiful," he smiled.

Normally you were in skintight outfits to let yourself be able to fight people without anything fancy getting in the way. Whatever you wore would end up covered in blood anyway and you never bothered doing your hair or makeup as it would be ruined. Today however you were able to dress up like the princess that Steve made you feel like.

"You look very handsome," you grinned. "Come on in, I just need to grab a couple of things."

Steve nodded his head, following you into your living room where you grabbed your handbag from the sofa. Opening up one of the drawers, you threw a pen knife into the bag and grabbed one of your guns, making sure it was loaded. Lifting up your dress, you placed it into your ankle holster, knowing it was always better to be safe than sorry. When you looked back to your date, you noticed Steve's bemused expression.

"What's that look for?" You commented, pulling your bag onto your shoulder, ready to leave.

"You're going on a date," he laughed. "Not into battle."

You shot him a look, knowing that he had at least one weapon on him somewhere.

"You know that it isn't safe to go anywhere without protection, even with Captain America by my side, it is better to have a couple of weapons just in case things go awry," you commented.

He chuckled, pressing his lips to your cheek gently. "Hopefully you won't need to use them because I couldn't exactly hide my shield anywhere on me."

"It's always a good date when I don't have to shoot someone, especially when it isn't you."

"That was only one date," you frowned. "Are you ready to go?"

Steve smiled to you, offering you his hand. "Your carriage awaits."


Written by Charlotte.

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