Stephen Strange- Ice Cream (a)

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"What do you mean, you're on a diet?" You watched Stephen shovel mouthfuls of ice-cream into his mouth, not even bothering to put the contents into a bowl.

"I mean, I'm trying to lose a bit of weight. I could always do with training a bit more, you never how much of a threat the next threat will be." He plowed the spoon into the tub. "Oohh, a chocolate chip." He was almost at the end of the tub and his normally pristine clothing had been reduced to a flung open belt and a tunic that rode up his very full belly.

"I don't think I've ever seen you eat so much. How exactly is this dieting?" He threw the spoon into the tub and pushed it away before leaning back into the chair and resting his hands on his rounded stomach.

"Well you see, dieting is all about calorie control, correct?" You nodded along confused as anything. "If I don't take in the calories, I can't gain the weight, correct?"

"You haven't brought some of those magical dieting pills, have you? I thought out of everybody you would be smart enough to avoid that snake oil." He laughed slowly, trying his best to presumably not let the dairy repeat on him.

"Do you want me to tell you the secret of how I manage to stay so devilishly in shape?" He slowly pushed himself up from the chair and unfurled the Eye of Agamotto from his layers of worn cloth. "Don't be ridiculous." He saw your jaw drop at the sight of the necklace. "Of course, I don't use any kind of magic for this, that would be against so many rules. I just burn it off, that thunder guy, Thor I think his name was had some wonderful exercise plans that he drew out for me. If things didn't work out as a superhero for him, I think he could definitely go into the personal trainer profession."

"So you're telling me your secret diet plan is just burning off the calories that you eat?" He nodded and tucked the necklace back into his tunic, smiling widely as he stumbled from the kitchen with his empty tub in hand.

"What did you want me to tell you? Eat and then use time manipulation to undo it? Absolutely not... that is wrong on so many levels. Besides, everybody needs a cheat day."


Written by Aaron.

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