Clint Barton- Run (c)

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Although you loved being a hero and knowing that you did so much good for the world, you also despised how much work you had to put in to be ready to fight bad guys. You hated the fact that you needed to exercise and train on a daily basis to stay at your prime, you would have much rather have spent your time in bed napping and not having to bother doing anything but if that was all you needed to do to be a hero, then you would put up with it.

You and your husband Clint were a crime fighting team, working closely with the avengers when needed and spending the rest of your time fighting smaller crime and villains that needed someone to stop them. Seen as you fought together, you trained together too. The first part of your daily training was going for a run together before the sun had risen. Being half asleep made it a lot easier to be able to do run as you couldn't think about it nearly as much as you needed to.

The two of you ran by each other's sides, heading through the local forest to be able to get in enough miles that you were satisfied with the daily training. Seen as it was early in the morning and dark, it was hard to tell where you were running, and it wasn't uncommon that you would end up tripping over twigs, but it was never anything too bad. Sadly, that wasn't what had occurred today.

As the two of you ran together, you had headed down a narrow path through trees, where you had begun to trail behind him. Neither of you saw the stick that crossed across the pathway and it was too late by the time that Clint's foot caught on it and fell over. You stopped quickly but before you could check on him, he begun to scream bloody murder.

"It's going to be okay," you assured him.

He pointed at his ankle as he screeched about the pain. You gently removed his shoe, causing more screaming until you were able to look at it. Nothing terrible had happened to it and you were pretty sure that it was just a twist but from his screaming, you assume he had lost his foot.

"Stop screaming!" You berated. "It's just a twisted ankle."

"It hurts!" He screamed.

"You've fought super villains and you're crying over a twisted ankle, you've been hurt way worse," you frowned.

Clint quietened down and pouted at you as he tried to put his shoe back on. "We're going to have to cut our run short."


Written by Charlotte.

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