Miles Morales- Spiders: Part 2 (a)

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"No, there's one Spidey... Me. You can't just put on a suit and call yourself a hero, it doesn't work like that!" Miles grabbed a small device from his pocket and threw it into your reach. Small lights blinked in unison around the central, jagged Spider logo.

"There are infinite universes parallel to our own right?" You nodded along, unsure where it was going but weary of an incoming ambush. "Most of these universes have their own Spider-Person, this little thing lets us hop between those universes to try and make sure everyone is on the same page." Slowly the pieces started to fit together, of course parallel realities would mean alternate Spiders, it just never occurred to you to try and team them up.

"That's... Genius, how many are there so far?" Miles stepped back from the rails and slowly counted on his fingers.

"One... two... A few hundred maybe? Give or take." You were taken back in shock, a few hundred Spiders all working together, there's nothing they couldn't do. "Obviously we can't have all in one universe at the same time, time and space as we know it would collapse and with each universe there's alternate reality threats with it. You're lucky I arrived when I did, or your head would have been claw machined."

"I had him right where I wanted him!" You protested; you couldn't allow a bad reputation with the parallel Spiders before you'd even met them. "If anything, you hindered me."

"Right." Miles laughed uncontrollably, slapping his knee with his hand. "So, let me set the scene, you're cowering in fear." He mimicked you raising your arm and your knees wobbling. "These guys claws are like, inches from turning your dome into paste but sure, right where you want him."

"Get off my back." You pushed him away as he kept laughing to himself. "I'm having a bad day and he got me by surprise."

"This is what we can do for you." You threw the device back to Miles at his request. "You've got something on your mind, you're under the weather? Take a day off, somebody else has you covered. We can't make you join us but, there's not really a downside."

"I'm in, just tell me what I need to do." Miles popped his mask back on and patted you heavily on the back.

"My man." He squeezed the device and a deep, swirling portal opened behind him. "My guys will get in touch with your guys." He leapt backward and shot you finger guns before the portal swallowed him whole.


Written by Aaron.

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