Carol Danvers- Sick (c)

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You had been feeling under the weather for the last few days and although up until now, you had been trying your best to keep your head up and try to do your normal daily necessities, you now felt rather terrible. Now it felt almost impossible to get out of bed and even if you wanted to fight it and try to act normal, Carol had gotten annoyed by all of your spluttering and sneezing and sent you to bed to try and rest. Maybe she was right. You had fallen asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow and only awoke when the bedroom door creaked as Carol poked her head into the room to see if you were okay.

"How are you feeling?" Carol smiled softly, closing the door behind her as she made her way over to perch on the side of the bed that you were sprawled out on.

No words in the English language truly fit for how you felt, so instead you let out a groan, hoping that would explain how you truly felt to the woman that you loved.

"That good, huh?" She chuckled, pushing your fringe out of your face, having to peel some of the locks from your sweat clad skin.

Carol leaned in to press her lips to your forehead before pulling the quilt up to your neck to tuck you into the bed.

"Is there anything that I can do to help you feel better?" She questioned, leaning back into the pillows next to you.

"Stay with me," you croaked, offering her a weak, pained smile.

"Are you sure you want me to stay?" Carol asked. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather just try and rest to let yourself recuperate?"

You nodded your head, desperate to have the woman that you loved by your side but also not having the energy to beg her to stay as you truly wanted to.

Carol smiled softly at you, wrapping one arm under your neck, pulling you closer to her as she draped the other one over your middle. She snuggled closer to you and let you rest your head onto her chest as she stroked your hair to comfort you. It didn't take very long before you could feel your eyelids becoming heavier until you dropped off into a long slumber, Carol following not too long behind you, letting you both cuddle and sleep together.


Written by Charlotte.

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