Charles Xavier- Cat (c)

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It had taken months of trying to convince Charles but finally the two of you were in an animal shelter to look for a pet. He kept repeating that you needed to remember that you weren't there to get a pet but to get a look at the animals that were there and what would fit best in your household. With Erik away from home, Charles knew that it wasn't the best idea to make such a decision without him being there to have his word. You both knew he would be against the idea of getting a pet, but it seemed kind enough for you to at least let him know before you ignored his opinion and still got one. Nevertheless, your boyfriend knew better than to put you off of going to get a pet, so hoped just letting you look at the animals would be enough to satisfy you for now.

"Look how cute he is," you grinned holding a tabby cat close to you, your smile growing as it purred in your arms.

"Don't get attached," Charles warned.

You scratched behind the cat's ear, letting him rub his head into your palm wanting more affection from you, something that you knew lacked in his life.

"Too late," you whispered, not even looking up from the feline friend.

Your heart had been set on this cat from the second you set your eyes on him and now that you got a cuddle with him, there was no way that you would be able to walk away from him and leave him in a shelter for him to likely be ignored.

"Come on, we should really be going," he stated.

Sending him a glare, you shook your head. "Only if he comes with us."

"You know we can't do that," Charles sighed.

You jutted out your lower lip at the man you loved knowing it wouldn't take too long for him to give in to you. His healthy fear of Erik was far lower than his love for you.

"You can't break my heart like this," you whispered, your eyes beginning to brim with tears.

"We need to talk to Erik first."

The cat seemed almost as attached to you as you had become of him, the two of you cuddling close and making a rather cute scene for Charles to look at.

"Please," you begged. "I love him, and I can't just leave him here."

Charles let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "Fine but you can tell Erik."


Writen by Charlotte.

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