Bucky Barnes- Piano (c)

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With Bucky back in Steve's life and trying his best to become a normal citizen instead of a human weapon, the whole team had to work together to try and help the transition. If Steve got his way, he would have been staying by Bucky's side at every second but that wasn't viable. Not only did Steve have his normal things to do in his life but also needed to go on missions for the greater good. To settle his mind, you promised that you'd stay the night in the living room of Bucky's apartment to make sure he was okay and quickly that became a nightly routine rather than just for missions.

You became friends of sort with the ex-assassin, but he didn't seem to be the best at getting close with people. Most nights it was uneventful, you heading to bed on the sofa and Bucky in his room and you'd wake up in the morning to nothing out of the normal but tonight you were woken up early in the morning before you should have woken up. It wasn't anything concerning you though that awoke you, rather the noise of a piano. You went to investigate and found his door open and inside he was sat at an old piano that tended to be covered in rubbish and laundry rather than being used.

For a few minutes, you watched from the doorway, impressed by his talent before you hesitantly approached him, not wanting to disturb him but still rather interested by what he was doing. He didn't notice you until you sat down on the bench by his side. Bucky stopped playing, leaving his fingers resting on the keys.

"Where did you learn to play so well?" You asked.

He paused, shrugging his shoulder. "Steve's nan died when he was a baby, she gave his mum and him everything, including her piano. His mum taught us how to play when she had the time, I guess she thought it'd keep us out of trouble. Steve didn't care for it, but I'd practice a lot when I was there. I've not played for a long time."

"I wouldn't be able to tell that you've not played in a while, you're really good," you smiled fondly. "Teach me how to play?"

Bucky nodded his head having a gentle smile upon his face, an expression you hadn't seen from him before without Steve there. Even if it was the middle of the night, he was able to teach you the basics of it until the two of you fell asleep there at the instrument.

Written by Charlotte.

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