Jemma Simmons- Planet (c)

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Y/P/N- Your Planet's Name

Earth was a confusing planet. You had never been there before and you had no reason to go to such a planet, so far from your home world. Your ship had crashed on Earth and although you tried your best to fit in, looking human, you still hadn't been capable of doing so, people having seen the ship crash. You meant no harm to anyone, their life form so minimal in comparison to that of your planet, but you did want to leave. If you had any control, you would have left the planet sooner than you got there but without a ship, you were trapped there. You became trapped further when you were captured by people who claimed to be agents of SHIELD, not that you were too familiar with what that meant.

You tried your best to express that you weren't a danger, but angry agents didn't care. You couldn't offer them information they wanted and with them being very much all guns blazing, you were frankly too scared to speak with them. Luckily, they soon realised such an approach wasn't going to get them far. They took out the shouting agents, leading to a pleasant looking woman who offered you a gentle and friendly smile.

"Hello," she smiled. "My name is Jemma; may I know yours?"

Instantly you felt safer and calmer in the presence of her. She wasn't shouting at you and she seemed as though she was going to speak to you as an equal not an alien.

"Y/N," you whispered. "Please, I am no danger to your people. I want to be here as much as you people want me here. My ship went off course and I crashed. I would need a few supplies but once I can get the ship to be fixed, I will leave, and my people would never return."

"Where are you from?" She asked.

"Y/P/N. It is not of this galaxy. It is far beyond your technologies reach," you explained. "We have had knowledge of your planet for many moons and we have no needed to visit. This is a mere mistake."

She nodded her head looking down at the paper before her.

"Your planet knows there is life on ours?" She asked.

"Yes," you said. "We learn lots of the planets in our own galaxy and those beyond. We have greater space travel than that of your planet and our people have visited many. Yours however has never been somewhere we wanted to go."

She cocked an eyebrow at you. "Why?"

"The distance for one, and frankly it isn't too interesting. I have heard from our elders you once had large creatures, I do not recall what you call them, but they once walked this planet and they are far more interesting than humans. The only reason we are taught about your species is to warn children of the dangers of planet destruction," you explained. "Do not get me wrong. We have nothing against humans, but we have seen how you treat species on your own planet, it seemed best to not interact in fear of being killed or eaten."

"You certainly aren't wrong," she chuckled. "I must apologise for my team. It isn't common for us to interact with those of other planets and our main aim is to make sure they aren't hostile. You however do not seem to be of great danger to us."

You nodded your head, glad to speak to someone whom wasn't going to assume the worst of you as the others had.

"Thank you, Jemma," you smiled softly. "Thank you."

"Let me speak with my team and I am sure they will want to know more about your planet and your people before finding a way to help you return on your journey."

Once again you thanked her, this time she scurried from the room to talk to the other people in her team.


Written by Charlotte.

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