Tony Stark- Screwdriver (h)

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It wasn't uncommon for you to be told how much you resembled your Mum; how much you took after her, and how much you must miss her.

You missed your Mum everyday, but your Dad was always there for you, as was Pepper and you couldn't have been more grateful for both of them.

Even though you didn't resemble your Dad all that much, there was no denying that you were Tony Stark's daughter.

In your 17 years on this earth, you had felt more at home in your Dad's lab, or any lab for that matter, than you ever had anywhere else.

Your Dad had been working on some new tech for Peter's suit and with you being so close with Peter, he had asked if you'd help him out.

He wasn't in the lab when you'd went down, so you perched yourself on one of the work tables and started fiddling with one of the new web shooters that he'd designed.

"Don't fiddle with that!" your Dad's voice came through the lab.

Turning around, you saw him lying on another work bench further up in the lab. "I'm fixing it actually."

He gasped, hand on his chest as he turned to his head to the side to look at you. "How dare you child of mine! My work is perfect."

You shook your head. "Sorry Dad but the wiring was off, if Peter had tried to shoot this the web would've gone backwards."

"How do you know I didn't leave that as a test?" he questioned as he got off of his table.

"Since when do I need to be tested?"

He shrugged. "Some people do say that I didn't raise you right so maybe you should be tested."

Rolling your eyes, you placed the web shooter down next to you. "You're just a bit eccentric Dad – unique compared to other parents."

"And what makes me so eccentric?"

You giggled. "Dad our house is literally filled with superheroes, we have an AI answering to us and your former AI is a person."

"That's the norm peanut."

As you jumped down from the table, your Dad passed you some tech to work on before he asked FRIDAY to stick on your usual playlist.

You didn't know how long had passed but a chuckle from the doorway caused both you and your Dad to look whilst the music turned itself down.

"Hey Happ, what's going on?" your Dad questioned whilst he continued to fiddle with whatever he had in front of him.

Before Happy spoke, he watched you and your Dad working in almost perfect sync causing him to laugh again. "How you managed to clone yourself into a girl Tony I will never know."

Your Dad looked offended but also proud. "If you're trying to tell me that my daughter is my mini-me, then I accept the compliment."

Rolling your eyes, you looking to Happy. "What brings you down to our cave?"

Happy smiled and then winked at you. "A certain Spider-Man is looking for the littlest Stark."

Not missing a beat, your Dad looked up and pointed his screwdriver at Happy. "You tell the kid that our dog is upstairs and if he wants his tech to work then he shouldn't send you to interrupt us."

"Dad, the pup isn't the littlest Stark that Peter wants to see."

He turned to you, with his screwdriver now being in your direction. "And why does he want you child of mine?"

"'Cause we have a date," you stated as you kissed your Dad on the cheek, fist-bumped Happy and then walked up the stairs from the lab.

You heard clattering behind you and hurried footsteps. "Hang on there!"

"Yes Dad?" you answered as you continued to walk.

"Who said the kid could take you out on a date?"

"I did."

You heard the gasp behind you, and you rolled your eyes with a smile. "And who said you could go?"

"Pepper of course."

"My wife betrayed me?!"

Laughing, you smiled at Peter as he came into view and then turned to face your Dad.

"Hi Mr Stark," Peter greeted with a wave.

"You're taking my daughter out on a date?!" he quizzed, yet again pointing his screwdriver.

Peter chuckled nervously as he put his arm around you.

"Dad, we've established that Peter and I are going out and that your wife apparently betrayed you by agreeing to it."

"She did betray me! I had no knowledge!"

You shrugged. "You have the knowledge now father dearest," you joked with him and stuck your tongue out.

As you walked away, your Dad shouted from behind you. "You are no longer my favourite child!"

"I am your only child!"


Written by Hannah.

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