Maria Rambeau- Babysit (c)

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You let out a yawn as you heard the front door unlock. Although there was no need to wait up for Maria to come home, you liked to know that she was home safe and have the few minutes with her before you headed off to bed. You knew that Maria didn't like having to work late as it meant being away from you and Monica, but she was just glad to have you there to care for her daughter and welcome her home every night.

"What're you doing up?" Maria asked as she dropped her bag as she came into the living room.

"I wanted to make sure you got home okay," you smiled softly, standing up from your seat on the sofa.

She rolled her eyes at you. "You worry too much."

You cocked your eyebrow at her, leaning in to give her a gentle kiss.

"You think that I worry too much? You were at work for eight hours and phoned home at least five times to see how Monica was doing," you berated. "You'd think it was my first-time taking care of her."

She offered you an apologetic smile. She trusted you fully with her daughter but still couldn't help but worry. You and Monica had a good relationship with her basically being your daughter and having a good friendship going on. Monica respected your authority and you were maybe a little lenient with her than Maria would like but you were the cool step-mum, so maybe she'd let you off. It wasn't uncommon for you to babysit, the two of you sticking on a video and having dinner or spending time out in the garden before getting her ready for bed and wishing her the best dreams. Things always went off without a hitch, including tonight.

"I just worry that something will go wrong, and I know you will not want to worry me," she explained. "So, did everything go okay?"

"It went perfectly," you smiled. "Monica was in bed at nine sharp."

She shot you a look knowing that you were lying to her.

"Okay maybe at ten. We were watching a VHS and it was longer than I thought so we finished it up, but she went straight to sleep. She ate all of her dinner, only one scoop of ice cream for dessert instead of the pint we shared last time," you said.

"You're too lenient with her," she stated. "No wonder she loves the nights you put her to bed."

You shrugged your shoulders. "What can I say? I know how to play good cop. You're the strict mum who looks out for what's best for her, whilst I am the awesome step mum who lets her eat more ice cream and watch a film past her bedtime."

She shook her head, kissing you again. Maria couldn't deny that she loved you and she loved the fact that her daughter loved you. She knew that although you took a fun approach you cared most about her daughters safety and happiness so maybe a little extra fun wasn't too bad.


Written by Charlotte.

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