Maria Rambeau- Carol (c)

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Bereavement was hard for anyone but when there is no body to be buried, it just makes things harder. After a terrible crash, Carol was missing, assumed dead. It looked impossible that she could have survived it, her superior Dr Lawson having been found on the scene. No one knew where her body could have gone but with the state of the plane, it didn't look too hopeful that she would have come out alive.

You and Maria were really her only friends and both held out hope. Carol was a fighter and stubborn as hell, so if there was even an ounce of life in her she would try to keep going no matter the way the odds swayed. After nearly two months, even the fragments of hope you clung on to had begun to fray. No matter what fight she had left, she hadn't received any formal medical attention, so you couldn't believe that she would live through the injuries that you presumed she had.

Maria sent Monica to stay with her parents for the night whilst the two of you cleared out Carol's stuff. You weren't going to throw it away but keeping up a presumed dead persons belongings when you were almost certain they would never return wasn't a healthy way to live, especially not for a young child. Carol had once shared your home, her having her own bedroom across the hall from yours and Maria's. Since the day she left to fly, neither of you had set foot in there.

As you walked in, you could feel your stomach beginning to stir. Maybe it was because of the memories of the dear friend you feared you wouldn't see or the half-eaten sandwich that now played the role of a home to a large family of maggots. Maria stayed stone faced, but you could see her lip twitching as the pain of reality begun to hit her. Although she tried to fight it, a tear rolled down her cheek but was pushed away before another could fall.

"It's okay," you whispered, knowing it wasn't.

"In what way is it okay?" Maria huffed. "She's never coming back."

You gave her a sympathetic smile, wrapping an arm around her. You wished that you had answers and that you could make it easier for yourself, Maria and Monica but alas that wasn't the case. Instead all you could do was wrap your arms around your girlfriend and be each other's shoulder to cry on when you were needed.

"At least you can have your belt back," you offered trying to lighten the mood.

"Knowing Carol, she was wearing it. She told me I wouldn't get it back even when she was dead," Maria said, almost with a laugh. "She was always so stubborn."

You nodded your head. "There's probably plates under her bed still that we told her to wash up, but she was too stubborn to agree to do the dishes because we asked."

"She certainly was a character."

"Hopefully, she still is."


Written by Charlotte.

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