Wanda Maximoff- Tour (c)

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You worked at the Avengers compound as a glorified housekeeper. Most things cleaned themselves and you had a team that worked for you to keep everything in running order, but you had been placed in charge of keeping everything at the best possible standards along with being there to support and assist the residents. Although not an avenger, nor having any interest in trying to save the world, you were almost part of the team, spending most days with them and always being there to assist them when they needed. With a new member of the team moving in, you were put in charge of showing her around and making sure she was comfortable.

Wanda was moving in, although you had met her before. She had been to the compound before but never adventuring further off than the main siting area in the entranceway. There was a lot for her to see and also had her room that although was almost completely empty now had the chance to be whatever she wanted.

You met her at the entrance and introduced yourself before starting off down a hall and pointed out different things. After about twenty minutes you were almost finished with half of the building.

"Okay so we've seen the pool, the other pool, the backup pool, the sauna, the hot tub, the laboratory, the garage that has its own zip code and the gym but there is still a lot more that the compound has to offer. Mr Stark hasn't lacked in any area when it comes to this place," you explained. "However, if there is anything that you feel that is needed, do tell me and we will work on getting it. Mr Barton wanted a perch on the roof so one was added, and Miss Romanoff wanted a personal training room for example."

"This place is amazing," she said with amazement. "And you say there is more?"

You nodded your head. "I've barely scratched the surface. Granted a large amount of the building is living quarters. There is a communal social room, kitchen and dining room that you are more than welcome to use but you will also have a basic kitchen and living space attached to your bedroom that you will have the opportunity to decorate your quarters however you wish."

"This is truly marvellous," she grinned, looking around the room you were currently. It wasn't more than a hallway but even that was more than most had.

"It really is. However, you are all making the world a safer place, you deserve only the best," you smiled.

"I don't think I am making the world a safer place."

You offered her a reassuring smile. Maybe her joining the avengers wasn't the most conventional but she was an important asset to them, and she needed to realise that.

"Nonsense, now let's keep going or we won't get through the rest of the rooms before dinner," you smiled.

She nodded her head. "Thank you."


Written by Charlotte.

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