Natasha Romanoff- Hair (c)

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Your jaw dropped as you saw who was stood behind the door. Although most things looked the same, one key part of her was completely different and it shocked you. You weren't sure if you liked it, but with it being so new, you needed to adjust.

As Natasha's girlfriend, you assumed she would tell you that she was dyeing her hair. Of course, she didn't need you to give her permission to do anything to her own body, you just guessed that she would talk to you about it before hand. One of your favourite physical attributes of hers was her bright red hair, you didn't care which length or style, you just loved the colour of it. To you it perfectly fit her, and just added to her beauty. Sadly, that was no more.

"You're a blonde," you said completely dumbfounded.

Natasha cocked an eyebrow at you, wondering if you had somehow become broken on your way to her apartment. Had you started just pointing out random attributes about people?

"And you're a Y/H/C," she said in a fake excited tone.

You rolled your eyes at her, not finding her stupid joke funny.

"You know full well that wasn't what I meant," you sighed. "I didn't mean to just state the obvious, but I saw you two days ago, and you were a redhead."

She ran a hand through her now bright blonde hair, letting her shoulders shrug.

"I thought I'd go for a change," she said.

"It's a drastic change."

The hair colour was growing on you, but you doubted that you would ever like it as much as red, but whatever made Natasha happy was what you wanted for her.

"I don't know if I'll keep it," she shrugged. "But why not give it a chance?"

You nodded your head. "Maybe you should go green next."

Her eyes rolled. "I think that's more Bruce's colour."

"So, you're competing with Thor and Steve for the most luscious blonde locks, huh?" You laughed.

"We all know that mine is the best," she joked. "But honestly no one can beat the Asgardian mane, it trumps this blonde."

That was kind of true. It was one of his most obvious features although as an Asgardian he certainly didn't struggle to stand out against everyone else.

"Anyway, if you like your hair blonde then I'll fully support this change, even if I do miss my little redhead," you teased.

Natasha shot you a look.

"Don't make me break your arm," she said with narrowed eyes.



Written by Charlotte.

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