Clint Barton- Evening (c)

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You had been at work all day and were ready to go to pass out from the tiring day as soon as you walked through the door. Closing the front door behind you, you threw your handbag down and removed your shoes. As you took off your coat, you heard your husband Clint call out for you from the living room. You trudged off into the lounge where you expected to just see your husband watching television, but it was a far more pleasant scene before you.

He was sat on the sofa with lots of blankets and cushions around him, the lights off but candles flickering through the evening darkness. By the television there was a pile of DVD's that you loved to watch, along with a couple of bowls of snacks that you enjoyed above anything else.

"What is all of this?" You questioned.

Clint rose from his seat, making his way over to you so that he could hold your hands, lovingly.

"I know how much you hate having to go to work when it's the middle of winter and it's snowing, so I thought I would do something nice for you to make you feel better when you got home," he smiled.

Your eyes begun to well up. Clint did nice things for you a lot, but you didn't suspect that he was going to do anything today, especially not something so sweet, even if it was a relatively simple thing. A grin curled onto your lips as you kissed him, happy to have him there and appreciating the effort he had put into the evening.

"I can't believe you did all this, for me," you grinned. "It means a lot."

"I know how much you love your snuggled-up winter evenings. I can't say that I don't like cuddling up with you whilst its so cold outside," he shrugged.

Wrapping your arms around him, you let him lead you to the sofa, picking up the remote and a bowl of snacks.

"I love you Clint," you smiled. "You can be the sweetest guy sometimes, even if you don't do it too often."

He rolled his eyes at you. "I know I can forget to do nice things all of the time but when I do remember I go all out."

Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you pulled the blankets up over you both, ready for a relaxing evening to get rid of all of the stress from your day of work.


Written by Charlotte.

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