Peggy Carter- Wish (c)

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You trusted Peggy with all of your being. She was a strong and intelligent woman and you had no reason to not trust her to do everything in her power to fight to get back to you. Of course, she was with the Howling Commandos and although they knew Peggy could easily take each of them in a fight, they would make sure she stayed safe. You didn't know the details of the mission, and you knew that you didn't need to know them however you did wish you had access to the ins and outs of the mission to help with the worry you felt.

Peggy had been gone for over a month when the mission was meant to be only three weeks. Sometimes missions took longer than originally planned and you hoped that was the case, but you hadn't heard from her since she left, and all the normal contacts had no knowledge of where she or the Howling Commandos were. You had become sick of the words classified, wishing someone would just tell you she was alive, but no one was willing or had access to that information.

Maybe it was selfish, but today was your birthday and Peggy had promised to be home for it. She wasn't there. You treated the day as though it was any other. You headed to work, gaining many pitiful expressions from your colleagues, knowing your 'friend' was missing and how hard you were taking it. No one knew of the intimate relations you and Peggy had rather assuming that the two of you were dear friends who shared a flat. You knew it was likely someone knew about the relationship, but they were trying to overlook it and pretend to be ignorant of the fact.

One of the women whom you worked with had made you a sponge cake for the occasion, so after work, you had returned home and placed it onto the table. You had lit a single candle on top of it, hoping that you could enjoy your birthday but without Peggy it seemed pointless.

Closing your eyes, you decided to make your wish. All you wished for was her safe return, to have Peggy back home happy and healthy and to see her once more. Keeping your eyes tightly shut, you kept your focus on Peggy, until there wasn't anything else left in your mind. Taking in a deep breath, you blew out the candle.

Opening your eyes, you saw the flame gone but something was in its place. In the doorway stood the woman you loved, a gentle smile on her face, your wish come true.


Written by Charlotte.

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